
It seems like the general consensus here is that Walt took Holly genuinely intending to take her with him, and only changed his mind when she started saying mama.  By the end of the episode though I figured he had this plan from the start (from the moment he realized Skyler and Walt Jr were completely lost to him) and

The Walking Dead has pretty much sucked ever since the pilot dude

What exactly did "the search" reveal that is so shitty?

I thought Book 1 Korra was heads and shoulders above Book 1 ATLA.

I hate to defend Thor, but the film makes it pretty clear that the Gods aren't Norse, it's just that Norsemen happened to witness these Gods on Earth at some point, prompting them to form a religion around them (Norsemen are the only ones who got it right apparently).  But the idea that these characters must ALSO be

That would be a fine reason if it was actually part of this story, but it isn't anymore.  They've gone to great lengths to repeal Dexter's psychopathic traits, and will not acknowledge that he needs to kill; he only does it to protect innocents now.  So, the best they can come up with for him to stay and kill Saxon is

I didn't say that was the actual reason for Jesse keeping Walt on the phone, it was his **excuse** for keeping Walt on the phone.  As in, what he told Walt to keep Walt from guessing his real reasons (agitation, GPS tracking, etc) for keeping him on the phone

Please don't assume I'm coming at this citing experience from playing CoD.  And as for Hollywood, honestly I think the opposite is true, as scenes like this one are way more prevalent than scenes depicting unrealistic accuracy.

the shootout was definitely a little strange, the nazis started shooting first and Hank and Gomie didn't even jump immediately to cover, they should have been ripped apart.  It's kind of baffling because all they had to do was have Hank and Gomez make the first move, that being to jump behind the truck an instant

To be fair, Jesse's excuse for Walt staying on the phone was to prevent Walt from calling anyone for help.  Kind of a flimsy excuse, given that Walt could put Jesse on speaker and txt someone, but still.

this vid says everything you need to know about the Secret Life of the American Teenager

Gilligan mentioned on the insider podcast that breaking the season was hugely beneficial in that they had more time to write each episode.  So at least there's that.

I'm starting to lose enjoyment out of picking apart these final episodes, each complaint feels like a drop in an endless bucket of stupid…at a certain point you have to stop and ask yourself, what's the point?

That would be cool except that it would tarnish Justified to know it exists in the same universe as Dexter

They wouldn't show it, but I can very easily imagine seeing a "morning after" Finn looking confused and muttering something about Tier 15.  

His voice is like a thousand angels singing in harmony.

Walt's actions speak louder than words.  He's put himself at risk time and time again for Jesse.  His relationship with Gus only became a problem because of Jesse

"What have you done to Dexter??"

Prometheus is virtually incomprehensible to everyone

The only reason I keep watching this show is so I can come here every week and bathe in the pool of snark that is the av club comments section.  From that perspective I'm glad they still do weekly reviews, even though you're right that Dexter doesn't actually deserve it.