
the "Wish fulfillment" argument certainly does not go both ways.  Yes, atheists have wishes, but they won't believe something is true just because they wish it were so, especially if what they wish blatantly contradicts what we know about the natural world.

And if he was going to kill said neighbor and frame someone for her death, why not dexter?  why frame zach hamilton?  And then he just kills hamilton when the framing doesn't work out?

wait what

There is the SLIGHT possibility that Saul did it on purpose, expecting to set Jesse loose and rid him of his increasingly stressful relationship with Walt.  Pretty abstract plan though, especially for Saul

I guess It's just the realization that he was manipulated by Walt to help him kill Gus.  The missing cigarette is what set all of those events in motion.  Whether or not he figures Walt poisoned Brock by some other method is definitely not clear though.

Might be an odd time to pose this question, but have we come to an official consensus as to whether ghost Harry is an actual ghost or just a figment of Dexter's imagination?  Such a dumb question and I feel dirty asking it, and I always just assumed it was the latter, but I've been thinking about it and its really

I always assumed she was fairly new to the business.  A veteran business woman who worked her way up in Madrigal or whatever corporation it is she works for, doing perfectly normal, legal work, and was at some point in the not too distant past tempted (maybe even by Gus) into the international meth business based on

Wait so Vogel is definitely the brain surgeon?  Or did the brain surgeon just send her that piece of Zach's brain like he's done before?

I kind of like Chris Hardwick.

I don't know man.  Guy feels responsible for an innocent kid's death.  Christian Bale went crazy, got amnesia, and lost like a hundred pounds for the same thing.  Give Jesse a break.

I appreciated how sensible of a guy Declan turned out to be.

I'm pretty sure Skylar says to Walt "He's been out of work all week".  So its been more than two days.  Hank wasn't comatose.  After the initial shock, he's clearly capable of planting the GPS.

I think Finn is going to be a remarkably different character come this series' end than he was at the beginning, simply because they're aging him almost in real time and seem to be taking his maturation really seriously.  He's already very different, I mean season 1 Finn wouldn't even admit to liking PB, and didn't

It probably involves magic

Before the show is animated, it's written.  On the page these characters are just as "real" as any other character in TV or film.  Why do the rules of basic character interaction/motivation not apply to these characters just because the end result is animated and not filmed?  They do still apply, and Adventure Time

I never read any of those moments as "what if he knows" moments,  just his instincts telling him that something wasn't right.

I actually thought the clipboard "joke" was really funny

Not sure about any dark undertones, or if anyone here is "obsessing." The fact is, Finn's wet dream was a pretty big part of the episode.  Kind of hard not to discuss it in a review of said episode.  I mean, it wasn't even subtext, it was right there on the surface.

I feel like we could very easily consider the second half of season 5 season 6.

I'm pretty sure every time they don't actually draw the bat nose on her face, that she has a normal human nose.  She just morphs the bat nose when she really needs a wiff of something.