
Yea.  She has two modes of expression; she can either flirt or be righteously indignant.  There's really no in between with her.

The zombie survival guide actually tried to address this, that insects/microorganisms that usually break down dead flesh are repelled by the zombie virus/whatever.  So they take much longer to decay than normal corpses.  Idk if that applies in TWD universe but its a pretty solid attempt to rationalize that plot hole.

The zombie survival guide actually tried to address this, that insects/microorganisms that usually break down dead flesh are repelled by the zombie virus/whatever.  So they take much longer to decay than normal corpses.  Idk if that applies in TWD universe but its a pretty solid attempt to rationalize that plot hole.

I'm pretty sure the Lich's original character description by Pen Ward stated that he "wants to destroy all life, including himself".  So yeah, he's definitely that dedicated to his hatred of life.

I'm pretty sure the Lich's original character description by Pen Ward stated that he "wants to destroy all life, including himself".  So yeah, he's definitely that dedicated to his hatred of life.

Spoilers (?)

Spoilers (?)

More like his Clint Eastwod side

More like his Clint Eastwod side

Lori also died much sooner than in the comic.  Judged solely by how much time has passed since Lori died, its not all that far off (there might have been a time jump between issues though, i cant remember, but I'm pretty sure Lori died and next issue Rick is getting the phone call).

Lori also died much sooner than in the comic.  Judged solely by how much time has passed since Lori died, its not all that far off (there might have been a time jump between issues though, i cant remember, but I'm pretty sure Lori died and next issue Rick is getting the phone call).

Well, she was right all along about Brody, saved the lives of the VP and joint chiefs, spearheaded an operation that would have killed Abu Nazir had it not been for Brody's interference, risked her own life to obtain intelligence that proved Brody's involvement with the terrorists, managed to turn Brody in a single

Well, she was right all along about Brody, saved the lives of the VP and joint chiefs, spearheaded an operation that would have killed Abu Nazir had it not been for Brody's interference, risked her own life to obtain intelligence that proved Brody's involvement with the terrorists, managed to turn Brody in a single

Obviously you haven't seen Walking Dead season 2

Obviously you haven't seen Walking Dead season 2

So is this show worth watching?  I kind of lost interest when I found out Lucy Liu was playing Watson instead of Sherlock.

So is this show worth watching?  I kind of lost interest when I found out Lucy Liu was playing Watson instead of Sherlock.

I dunno I thought within the context of the plot it made sense and felt realistic.

I dunno I thought within the context of the plot it made sense and felt realistic.

I really enjoyed the film.  But I don't know how I feel about it as a follow up to Casino Royale.  Some say they want the over the top, cheesey Bond back, but I thought Casino Royale had firmly established that we were past that, at least for this iteration of the character.  But I guess not?  This film teeters on