
Once again, a job that could more cheaply/easily be done by a good border collie.

"Fruity pilsner lager" should be banned hate speech.

Really? She's been kinda hard to miss lately, what with being so involved in Qatar's most prominent film institute.

Maybe cut back on the Pringles, chief.

Everyone knows it's better to be part of the mob so you can help steer it in wise directions.

My first good deed of the year is to not make an inappropriate joke about shaving 12 year olds.

Honorable Mr. Slevinteen,

Im pretty sure we could clone her for about $500 million. As long as we have some of her DNA trapped in amber.

I always wanted to be a teamster. So lazy and surly. And adamant about their beauty sleep.

When do we get to vote on next year's 11 Questions? Do we have to wait for everybody to get back from holiday break? Some of us have work to avoid now!

This is not one of my better comments. It may or not pick up a few likes but I won't be coming back here to check.

Do they play Dominick the Italian Christmas Donkey? A few jobs ago I worked in an office that played christmas music practically all December, and thats the only song I didnt get sick of. Its just so delightfully silly.

She's got a point. Maybe her reasoning is wrong, but Jesus fuck, people, at this point knocking Nickelback is as tired and uninspired and unoriginal as…well, y'know…you see where this going.

*Pulls out calculator, types 80085*

Some day, if I keep my grades up, I will get to go to a movie Early and For Free!

Hey, her oeuvre, her choice.

Says the guy who wears the same cloak and sandals IN EVERY PICTURE. Maybe the occasional crown.

To be fair, he doesnt actually wake her up, he just keeps texting "u up?" until she responds.

The only aircraft we had were zeppelins and auto-gyros, neither of which had much use for an aircraft carrier.

So you thought a show about a boat had a famous line about a plane? Goddamned kids these days.