
Maybe, but their head-to-head potato peeler comparison was pretty enlightening.

Lesbians in Kansas? Which one sang Dust in the Wind?

I spend WAY too much of my lazy time watching this show. I am genuinely bummed about this.

Sliverfuck? Sounds painful.

I think the rule of escape movie sequels is that this time they have to break IN to the prison for some reason.

Reposted Neil DeGrasse Tyson comments? I don't think that guy posts here anymore.

As I read the article, I thought I kinda might agree with Schumer on this. But now that I'm here in the comments I think actually it sounds dumb. But that's mostly bc I had to scroll past that Maria Bamford "This bullshit again?" face to get here. That thing is subtly but powerfully influential.

I recently upgraded my red delicious to a Braeburn.

Ironically, it was the powerful environmental messages of the movie Bio Dome that turned me into the progressive I am today.

Speaking of your mom and clean underwear…
I saw them both at Target the other day.

And if somebody else steals a car, then it's ok for you to maybe take a quick ride in the car. Because hey, you didn't steal it. And, like, it's probably a pretty nice car.


We should definitely NOT resurrect Pontiac. He's probably still pissed about what we did to his land.

*KITT drives up ramp into moving tractor-trailer, runs over bad guys*

Warning track? I'm pretty sure I've heard Hamilton call "home runs" that were caught by the shortstop.

No one makes a fly ball out sound more exciting!

Did you check off masturbate? I mean, I'm just assuming, but I would go ahead and check that off.

Time for them to mount up,then.

Fuck Facebook. AVClub, if you can figure out how to deliver me some Black Label bacon, I promise I'll never leave this site.

Don't look a gift blowjob in the mouth, as they say.