
The Marines never leave a man behind. And the AVClub never leaves a Simpsons reference unfinished.

She used it in the pejorative sense?

"Are these indiscretions romantic, financial or treasonous?"

It's like a death row pardon, 2 minutes too late…

Well, if the nature documentaries recommended to me by Netflix are to be believed, many of their animals are trying to kill people all the time.

Le Zone Dangereuse!

Being forced to carry heavy loads, sweating profusely, to the point of exhaustion, while some white guy stands around doing nothing but yell at you? Those slaves basically got a free crossfit workout. That's like $130 a month!

My initial impression (I think I only watched the first 2-3 episodes) is that Arnett's character wasn't different enough from Bojack (besides the obvious) and suffered greatly in comparison.

As I understand it, you have 2 options:

I think Disqus got the punctuation wrong. Surely you meant

Is that you, Detective Turlington?

If you want a good Simpsons-based retirement plan, I suggest pumpkin futures.

"Upvotes mean you exist."

I'd have preferred a reprisal of Avery Jessup and "The Hot Box".

That's why Social Distortion wasn't invited to play any RNC events.

Be careful, scientists. I loved Robot six, but he got arrested for domestic violence. Now who's my kid gonna look up to?

Well, they have the meats…people want the meats…people go to Arby's (to get said meats). What's the joke?

It's better than that. You call Redbox on your phone and one of their reps describes the movie to you as they watch it in their cubicle.

I wonder if these Learndipity folks can tell me how much time I spend in front of an open refrigerator, looking for something good to eat. I bet that's where I'm really wasting my life.

"Take my Wife" is fine, but if somebody didnt at least throw out "Butch and Butcher" then I dont know anything about comedy*.