
Sadly, Jowled-Americans have been the victims of discrimination for much of our nation's history.

Pointing out the Simpsons' drop in quality and…what was the other thing?

Damn straight! I don't know what's in Ecto Cooler and I don't want to know!

Is that Toucan Sam on his shirt? I miss that guy. I don't follow my nose enough anymore.

The REALLY mean part was that they killed her off but kept her parents on the show. That's cold!

Why? Did anything bad happen this past week?

Shooter's more of a downer, actually. You want to wait for TNT's Tooter.

He stole my white rapper name from 13-year old me.

No, I am definitely not implying that. Cops must be more concerned with the safety of the general public than they are with their own. That's the job. But that can't mean that police safety is never…

"cops are there to take risks on behalf the the public they serve. mitigation of that risk is fair and reasonable… until it crosses a line of actually transferring that risk to the public in order to make the cop's job safer."

The suspect was "unique" in that his target was specifically the police. That means the very people who would be charged with apprehending/arresting him are the exact (and, apparently, only) intended victims. Maybe that's not unique, but you have to acknowledge it's a factor not present in other "active shooter"-type

C'mon, man, nothing in my post intimated that cops' lives are somehow worth more or should be viewed any differently from other citizens'. But this suspect perhaps had to be treated differently because his target was cops, meaning it's more dangerous than it otherwise might be to send more cops up to him to arrest

This particular shooter was specifically targeting cops. That's not more/less reprehensible than targeting black churchgoers like the Charleston shooter mentioned above, but it does present unique safety risks in apprehending him. I'm not saying a bomb-wielding robot was or wasn't the right call, or that it's not a

Yay sleep! Thats where I'm a [Justin Timberlake]!

I'd watch a movie about whatever it is you guys do when I'm not here.

If they ruin Star Wars like they ruined Felicity, I'm going to lose my shit.

I'm super psyched for this, inasmuch as I can be for the dark -comedy equivalent of a gut punch.

Kate Upton comes at a price. You gotta pay for quality.

How exactly does one blackmail the IRS? Does the church have embarrassing photos of the IRS that the IRS sent to its boyfriend?

In 1857, Americans spent on average 10.3 hours in front of their cotton gins and they turned out fine!