
Luckily there are still other captains to look up to: Captain Morgan. Um….Captain Crunch. Although he's technically a Cap'n, so…

I think it took a few episodes to clear everybody (myself included) of their preconceptions of the show. On the first time through the season, it felt like "Oh shit, this gets really good after 3 or 4 episodes". But when I re-watched season 1 again, I realized "no, this was good from the start but I didnt catch on

Better yet, you can use my account. It's under the name Santos L. Halper.

Most S-K songs never really grabbed me, but, holy shit, The End of You is a great fuckin' song.

Bro, you gotta practice.

Every season of The Bachelorette needs at least one token non-white guy. Why couldn't he be a muppet? I don't know his name, but I'm thinking the male pig from Pigs In Space. I mean, he is a handsome astronaut.

I think it's relatively safe for unattractive males with little worth stealing. Which, I mean, you're commenting here…so…not to make assumptions, but…

I remember figuring out that the "indecipherable ancient text" or whatever was just script written backwards. Because I'd already read all the Encyclopedia Brown books. Which were more challenging, I think.

It's a hot name, but at least it's a dry heat.

She's got that sweet, sweet kitty litter ad money now. That is her, right?

Fuck Files was Cinemax's ripoff version of Red Shoe Diaries. I think it also starred David Duchovny.

A tip of the cap to you, justpazzingby. It takes a noble spirit to step up and be the straight man while El Marinero reaps those sweet, sweet upvotes.

I have a machine that will put a star on your belly. Interested? I got it cheap at some oddball Dr.'s garage sale.

Ha ha…what a stupid question. Like, duh…right? Anyway, what did you tell him? I mean, just so we can get closure on the story. And then, uh, laugh at him some more.

I'm glad someone wrote "Nick" on the side of the vial to distinguish it from the other vials of fans' ashes they presumably have just lying all over the place.

Pfft..it's not a real Marathon unless you collapse and die just after it's done.


I thought so too. And a kinda-misleading headline that uses the word "weird" is getting a little clickbaity, isnt it? This isn't Yahoo!, right?

But not better than "not just awkward but repetitive and almost confusingly descriptive, as if written for blind children."

And I'd like to see grammar rodeos be more about the grammar, but there's no going back.