
Your list is garbage and anyone who agrees with it is also garbage! GARBAGE ALL AROUND!!!!!!!!!!!

Surely the Grounders would make great use of their primary talents in the bunker. Murdering eachother and torturing children will keep the bunker running for eternity! Blood must have Blood.

Yeah and Clarke offered that, and instead they decided to murder eachother. DId you skip 4x09? Before there was any talk of this stupid hunger game conclave Clarke offered to share it. Roan and Indra refused and decided genocide was a better answer. Maybe try and keep in mind how the grounders actually behave before

I don't see how this wasn't about saving the human race. The grounders knew they had a couple of days before all of humanity dies, so they decided to have a giant murder tournament with no time limit instead of cooperating and figuring out who to put in the bunker. If you let Azgeda and Trikru both inside blood will

I wonder how much the Grounders like it when they aren't the ones betraying everyone. It isn't so fun when the shoe is on the other foot.

"Focus on someone that makes you feel safe" Wow that line was just amazingly tone deaf. Honestly who is left in this town that makes him feel safe? His dad, who let his rapist run off with nary a word? Veronica, who only saw Grundy raping him as technically a crime? Hey maybe it is Betty who lead her mom into

Honestly I think he cries out for a girlfriend that doesn't think him being raped was only 'technically' a problem.

The grounders have wanted them dead since the first episode. You can tell because the Grounders constantly try to kill him and murder his friends.

Chidi seemed really desperate to damn Eleanor to the Bad Place this episode. His insistence that rebooting Janet is worse than Eleanor or Michael suffering horribly for all of eternity really does make him seem like kind of a scumbag.

Yeah if there was a fight she thought she might lose she would abandon her allies to death instead of running a risk.

Be serious, Lexa absolutely would have bought it. The Grounder factions always make the wrong decision after all.

Man the first AI kills most of humanity and then the second AI creates a terrible culture that venerates torture, vengeance, and child murder. They REALLY needed to put more time into development.

To be fair, he is right the Grounders habitually break truces and murder children.

And then betray them, because that is what the grounders consistently do throughout the series. Murder and torture children and then get up in arms when their victims don't die peacefully. If the show wanted Grounders to be trustworthy maybe they shouldn't have made screwing people over their default strategy.

But he is right? Does anyone really think the grounders aren't going to betray the sky people at some point? It is their consistent go to move to torture and betray.

"Kara, why did you kill Vartox? He was just a lumberjack until the government barged into his home and tried to arrest him for no reason! Do you think I would have let him stay if he was hostile to humanity? I think you need to spend some time in the phantom zone to get all this serial murder out of your system and

I would forgive this show most of it's stupid choices if they would just have the twist be that Alex is the terrorist. Watching that mosque scene was just mind boggling. There is no way to spin that away from the tagline of "Mosque helps Quantico terrorist escape capture, can any muslim ever be trusted?"

Yeah, and had to be ordered not to MURDER the man. That was the point of the commander telling him not to kill him for being angry at invaders that destroyed his village, and it wouldn't have happened without Clarke saying something.

So the grounders freak out over Finn killing civilians, but when Gustav goes off and starts beating a villager to death for speaking out nobody but Clarke cares. Those Grounders sure do have a consistent code!

Man its a good thing none of the grounders ever killed civilian children that were just minding their own business, the consequences seem pretty harsh…… oh wait.