
Up-voted for your avatar. I binged the first two seasons of Rectify over the holidays. I have a feeling I'll finish the next one quickly, so I hope the last season makes it to Netflix quickly.

They sound pretty distinctive to me; clearly I'm not familiar with the scene you're referring to. The idea that someone would find them "middling" is weird to me; seems like you'd either really like them or fucking hate them. They can be pretty over-the-top, both musically and lyrically.
I love them, personally, but

The compensatory damages seem high to me. But I'm fine with the punitive damages, which would need to be huge to matter to CBS.

So you liked the second season, then? I didn't hear good things about it and never gave it a shot. (The first season annoyed me at times, but I enjoyed it for the most part.)

Fairy Tale of New York is the best xmas song by a wide margin. Your list is hereby invalidated.

I, for one, am more than happy to just watch Teti and Modell be dorks for 10 minutes or so.

Yeah, I think we may be in the same boat. I have a pretty low tolerance for cringe comedy. Something like Girls or even Curb will sometimes test my tolerance, so three hours may be a bit much.

I don't know how you write a review without telling us the basic premise of the film. I haven't seen it, but I think he wakes her up pretty early in the film. Without talking about that, the review becomes, "um, it's Lawrence and Pratt in space, and, uh, stuff happens."

I'm guessing it helps that the original Planet of the Apes movie with Charlton Heston is fucking terrible. So there are no expectations to worry about.

The Broncos won it all last year with below-average quarterback play (Manning's a Hall of Fame-er, obviously, but he was physically falling apart last year). People always say the NFL is a copycat league; I doubt we're going back to the era when QBs like Trent Dilfer and Rob Johnson (was that the Tampa Bay QB's name?)


Football is much easier to get into during the regular season, because of the limited number of games. It's hard to care about a random baseball game unless it's "your" team, and even then it's easy to go "eh, I'll check in for the late innings."
But I find that postseason baseball tends to have more sustained tension

"Beloved" is pretty strong. It was a buzzed-about show. Barb is a quirky, sympathetic character who disappears and no one seems to give a shit, which seems like a weird plot hole, which makes it kinda fun to joke about among fans. Add internet meme culture and stir.
So yeah, basically Tumblr's fault.

I found it reasonably entertaining, but I don't think it was "good." At best, it was enjoyable in a train wreck sort of way, best appreciated as camp. I definitely wouldn't describe it as "forgettable" as Sam does above.
Also, season 1 is overrated. By the end it was a pretty straightforward procedural, and the final

Actually, our system does need "fixing," because it's unfair to folks slaving away in the back of the house who don't get tips.

Games are, in fact, art. Whether it's art that you personally care for is another matter. I'm not even taking a side on whether video games are good/bad/indifferent for society, but I don't see how one can say they're not creative works.

It's because their songs aren't very good. When mediocre bands get really popular, people have a tendency to go from merely disliking them to really, really hating them. Imagine not liking Anthony Kiedis. It should be easy to imagine, because he's terrible. Then imagine hearing him ALL THE TIME.

Counterpoint: Sublime was fine. Haven't heard them in years, but if you're 21 and baked, 40 Ounces to Freedom is a perfectly acceptable soundtrack to drinking cheap beer and grilling burgers. There's some dub, some catchy ska-punk, a Bad Religion cover… and a lot of half-formed ideas, really, but it's pleasant enough.

Just wanted to say that I laughed so goddamn hard at the last clip pulled up by Conan's Octagon lever. Don't want to spoil it, but I highly recommend watching if you haven't.

Yeah, I'm not going to read the profile to get the context, but I feel pretty safe saying he's bullshitting about that. It's exactly the kind of thing that someone like him would think sounds cool.