
From the article: "To help guide viewers through every theory and development, Alasdair Wilkins will be on hand for weekly coverage."

Um, no. I realize you qualified your comment with "pretty much," but this is still a gross oversimplification.
I mentioned this in another thread, but there's a pretty good episode of the Freakonomics podcast that goes into how hard it is to discern how effective, if at all, boycotts are. The famous Montgomery bus

You definitely don't need a college degree to be a cop.

I literally just listened to the Freakonomics podcast that basically said boycotts generally don't work. Or at least can't be shown to work. The anti-apartheid boycott in particular was cited as an example of ineffectiveness.

"I want to make the distinction between journalism and writing because I don’t consider the men who wrote these embarrassingly outdated and objectifying profiles about women to be practicing journalism."
I don't read celebrity profiles, because I don't give a shit about them, so I can't really speak to whether they've

I feel you. I'm going to have to investigate how to pay quarterly.

That film showed up on ESPN last night. I hadn't heard the news, but I realize now the timing couldn't have been a coincidence. I don't say this often, but Great Job, ESPN!

Supposedly Cruz is expected to name Fiorina as his running-mate, presumably in a desperate attempt to change the narrative after getting trounced again.
That "Democrats rigging elections" trope is getting really, really tiresome. You know why Clinton is going to win? Because more Democrats are voting for her than

I was curious about that myself and came here looking for clues, but I'm at a loss.

*Saints fans nod heads glumly*

This is an outstanding program. Well written, well acted, and beautifully shot. I can't wait to see what happens next to Jimmy McGill. I will be disappointed when he changes his professional name to "Saul Goodman," because that will mean the clock is ticking and we are nearing the end of this great show.

It's not a secret. They've been pretty explicit about it.

"There were rumors of conflict with the staff, but I can’t invest too heavily in those considering how often “boys’ club” accusations have been hurled at the show." Or maybe the "boys club" thing is accurate?

They do this on their website, but they want you to prove you're a cable subscriber before letting you watch them. What's frustrating to me is that I actually get AMC streamed through SlingTV, but that's not good enough for the website, apparently, and they only offer a few episodes on demand on Sling, so if you fall

Haven't seen it either, but I've described the show exactly that way a few times.

Wait, it's not cool to like the Sex Pistols? I haven't listened to that record in years, but I've always considered it a classic and had no idea this was a controversial opinion.

Same here. I also found it odd that Jon Snow et al were so damned confident that they couldn't swim.

Any chance of any audio/video of this being posted?

As you say, this is the story the show decided to tell. So it's perfectly legitimate to question their choices. As it turned out, the "rape" scene (which wouldn't be considered rape in this world) was unnecessary, since Sansa explains to Theon what's been happening to her in the next episode. While I'm not too

I'm told Iggy Azalea believes "on fleek" is over.