
I don't really eat McDonald's any more, but when I did I would always just order a couple sandwiches off the "dollar menu" which is now the value menu. I usually had a bottle of water in my truck so I didn't need a beverage. Just as filling as a "value meal" or whatever, cheaper, and doesn't make you feel like shit.

True. Have you seen the clip from KoQ where Patton just stands perfectly still for the entire scene? I've only seen it on YouTube, so not sure if it actually made it on the show.
Also, I'd like to say how much I'm enjoying his stint on Justified. This has nothing to do with anything; just mentioning because I've been

I'm confused…

I was about 12 or so during that era, so it was right in my wheelhouse. That was the definitive cast for me.
But I never really got why Victoria Jackson was there. I mean, she had a funny/annoying voice, and…that was pretty much it, best I can recall.

The headline worried me, but apparently the Facebook apps only tell you who has unfriended you, not who unfollowed you. As far as I know, you can still accept that friend request from your Trump-loving uncle, then immediately unfollow him so you won't see his posts, and he's none the wiser. I fear what's left of

That question pretty much answers itself, doesn't it?

I'm pretty sure my sorta-girlfriend wakes to that Carole King song, although I didn't know what it was until you told me. First thing in the morning, I find it kind of bossy. "you got to get up every morning with a smile on your face" I'll do nothing of the sort!

I was going to post this; glad I'm not the only one who remembers it. Used to play the cassette single (!) every morning as my alarm. Although I'm a light sleeper, so the click of the stereo popping on was what actually woke me up. Got to where I flinched every time it came on, just because I associated that sound

If you check the website, he's written an editorial on behalf of the march. He'll be writing about it for someone, I'm sure.

What about "several"?

By "almost everyone," maybe they mean "people who don't think about this stuff very much." I did assume it was the equatorial trench. But I haven't watched the movie since I was a kid, and I had forgotten that the docking bays were along the equator. Hell, I probably had forgotten that by the time I got to the attack

Not going to pile on here. Standup comedy is really hard to do well, and it takes guts to try it in front of people. Also, the banner behind her in the header image seems to indicate it's for a charity of some sort.

It seems to me that female comics who break into the mainstream [ie, become famous enough for me to know who they are] tend to be pretty attractive by conventional standards. Makes me suspect some really talented women are being filtered out by the gatekeepers for reasons having nothing to do with how funny they are.

My first thought as well. "Too bad we can't stay."

It means included with your Amazon Prime subscription. You can rent stuff through Amazon without having Prime.

Not to speak for MM, but I think you may have misunderstood his question. Asking whether a film is good-whether it succeeds by mainstream critical standards-is not the same thing as asking whether actual critics gave it a thumb's up. One could imagine a quality film that critics nonetheless snubbed because of the

I figured it was something like that. Thanks for clearing it up. That's crazy that he'd been doing that bit since the early 80s, but it definitely seems like a premise you could milk forever.

"Cheeto Benito" (as in Mussolini) is kinda funny, and also fun to say. But I will concede that it's not exactly very grownup to stoop to his level.