
Yeah I'll toss my 2 cents in here and also highly recommend Dexter, lots of quality ownage.

Phel, are you hinting that you want one of us to ask you to go see this movie?

I'll see it this weekend, it took me forever to finally see the first one, but I loved it.

Agreed. The score to The Fountain one of the things that really made me notice how amazing it was. I get goosebumps every time I hear "The Last Man", and @ Dr. Acula I agree that the end credits were a beautiful close to the movie.

I have to admit, Murray's voicework in the game did seem a little disinterested most of the time. I still cracked up at a couple of his lines though, especially "I got coffee for EVERYONE, Ray."

Noel, I'm sort of surprised you didn't mention Dexter at all when running down the list of recent anti-hero shows. Intentional?

I thought the same thing about both of your points SJ

Make sure you do that dance to the tune of "Two of Hearts", or it doesn't count…

I loved the "You've got to be fucking kidding me" moment when Swearengen finds out that it's a serious lode. Hindsight's always 20/20.

I watched seasons 1 and 2 and absolutely loved them, but never got around to season 3. I'll have to catch up before this column gets around to that point. I didn't know about it being cut short though, now I'm going into season 3 already disappointed.

The sad irony is that lots and lots of people would pay to see that. And have already. Three times.

That's also the title of the song on the soundtrack, "Death is the road to awe". So yeah, most likely.

I apologize in advance for highjacking JVS's thread (I can't start new threads at work for some reason), and for this being completely off topic for this article.

If you think about it, this was the only dignified way for PW to go. No media circus trial, no prolonged death row wait, no publicized execution. Just straight to hell.

But does she finally find out what a "fuck-ass" is?

I thought that this was a continuation of the X-men license which started back in what…2000ish? Back then it didn't seem like such a whore-out move. But then came X-3, Spiderman3, Punisher, etc. and people realized the danger of cool ideas in the wrong hands, and Marvel Studios was created so they'd have more creative

@ SMF: Badly. Very, very, very badly.

Don't worry, they shoe-horned that catchphrase into the movie, and it feels forced and unnatural.

He does. And it's the pillar on which they build a terrible, unfunny tongue-in-cheek joke.

@ E-Ron: XKCD ftw