
I miss watching Letterman with my old man. Hard not to love someone who so often has such thinly masked contempt for the people he interviews.

Max Power

Ernest Goes To Jail.

I thought Silent Hill at least had a really good sense of atmosphere. Aside from that…uh…

I played the Max Payne games, and aside from the sort-of-cool bullet time, I didn't think they were anything special. Now The Punisher, THAT was a violent video game. If anyone still has their old Xbox kickin around, it's totally worth the $5 out of the bargain bin. Putting a drill press through a motherfucker's eye?

Plans mean nothing in Jeopardy. One bad Daily Double or someone burns through a category and it all turns around. It can make for some real tense games. Kinda makes you wonder why there aren't Jeopardy riots in South American countries.

I'll make it up in Final Jeopardy.


I want to see more about that Sham-WOW kid and his weird, messed up eye.

Fuckin a, ZMF. Benoit was my favorite wrestler when I was a kid and now it's like all that cool shit he did never happened, he's just some psycho who murdered his kid.

The first time I saw The Arrival all I could think about was how much Sheen looked like Gordon Freeman with his goatee and his big glasses, and how much cooler a Half-Life movie would be.

Takeru Kobayashi frequently has nightmares in which he and IES Chang square off in Mortal Kombat. Kobayashi awakens in a cold sweat just as Chang devours him.

So weak. So. Weak.

Hot Rod is indeed fantastic

With any luck, by the time they're remaking the remakes, or rebooting the remakes, or remaking the reboots, we'll all be long dead, leaving only our children to suffer.

Watching Benjamin Button probably lit up all the same parts of the Academy's collective brain that watching Gump did because, y'know, they're almost the same movie. Surprise surprise, Oscar noms!