Oliver Phonglehorn

Maybe I'm missing them, but I don't see "No, but thanks for playing" or "Pay attention; there will be a test."

They made a pretty great app based on that book a few years ago. That medium probably works better with that source material than a passive movie-going experience would.

Also "Sleigh Ride." Which means you see Fozzie running into the house to tell Kermit that his snowman came to life, but you don't actually see the part where the snowman first comes to life.

Nanny is Doctor Doom.

If you never want to hear Kermit say the word "sexy," you should avoid the Raquel Welch episode of The Muppet Show from 1978.

Well, it's been three more years, but I just fired up the old AV Club review.

He liked seeing her struggle. He likes the feeling of power. He's a king, sure, but of what? A bunch of incompetent little goblins. He'll take what he can get.

Whenever the question of "Assemble your all-time dream SNL cast" comes up, they're both among the first names I think of.

Yeah, she was predictably great on Short's odd, short-lived sitcom/sketch hybrid, and the 90-minute special that served as its finale. In one sketch, she played Rosie Perez, who breaks down and reveals that that's not her real voice and she's actually from London. She nailed it.

I always think this song would be vastly improved with the addition of circus music in the background.

Not until just now! Does he ride to the games on a luck dragon?

The character's name is actually just Bastian. I have yet to meet or hear of anyone in real life with this name.

The one that really surprised me was Robert Krulwich. I still can't believe he doesn't have a beard.

Check 'em out!

Logan was interesting at first, but his time on the show lasted way too long. I kept waiting for them to have Rory come to her senses and dump him, but he just stuck around forever.

That would be ideal, but until that day comes the short form format of web videos works really well with the Muppets' style. They used to regularly post videos to the Muppets.com website that felt genuinely like classic Muppet stuff.

Ah, it was Mario Party 6 with the taunts. Of course. For the record, my second favorite taunt was Mario's "Hey, STINKY!"

I wouldn't rule it out.

In one of the previous Mario Kart games, Toadette's response to being picked on the character selection screen was a very half-hearted-sounding, "Okay." Her lack of enthusiasm compared to the other characters shouting "Let's go!" or "Oh yeah!" always made me laugh. TOADETTE, ARE YOU READY TO RACE?! "Okay."

I was surprised not to see Birdo in this game. Surely he/she would have been a more welcome inclusion than Lakitu.