Oliver Phonglehorn

I'm a big Waluigi fan. I find his existence hilarious, and the fact that so many fans seem to hate him just makes me like him more.

When I play Mario Kart 8 as Daisy, I find myself shouting, "HI, I'M DAISY!" just to fill the void.

I have a playlist on my iPod of all his polkas (excluding "Polkamon," which was only released on a Pokemon movie soundtrack), which is now up to about 51 minutes with the addition of "NOW That's What I Call Polka." It's a whole lot of polka, but it sure is fun.

Weird Al is actually in all three Naked Guns movies. He's in the first and third ones as himself, but in Naked Gun 2 1/2 he's less obvious… He's the guy standing behind a door, holding all the cops in the police station at gunpoint, before Leslie Nielsen opens the door and knocks him out.

I was about to vote you up, but you currently have 27 upvotes for this comment, which is so appropriate for a Weird Al thread that I can't bear to change it.

When Poodle Hat came out, I read a mostly-negative review somewhere that dismissed "Bob" as a silly Bob Dylan pastiche with nonsense lyrics. Boy, did that reviewer miss the joke.

Captain Kirk is climbing a mountain. Why is he climbing the mountain?

How about "Wanna B Ur Lovr," from Poodle Hat: "I wanna be your Krakatoa, let my lava flow all over you/I wanna be your anaconda and your heat-seeking missile too/I wanna be your beef burrito, am I making this perfectly clear?/I wanna be your love torpedo,
are you picking up the subtle innuendo here?"

I find Waluigi hilarious in any language.

True, Bob was likely getting a lot of action, which may be more realistic than other shows of the time. I just didn't find him to be a very likable character.

Hooray! Next time maybe she'll get a line.

Yes, it's real, and it's equal parts fun and nerve-wracking. I wasn't sure how to explain it without using too many words… The Gamepad becomes 9-Volt's handheld game system, and you play through as many micro-games as you can on it. Meanwhile, your TV shows you 9-Volt's bedroom and you have to be on the lookout for

Hold it! I think you're gonna like this picture.

The Gamepad is great when a game integrates it well. I've been surprised there hasn't been more praise for Game & Wario, because it makes really great use of the Gamepad. They came up with a lot of different ways to use both screens together. The game where 9-Volt is playing video games under the covers and you have

Yep, that's Spit the alien peeking out there (under what looks like Ambrosius from Labyrinth). Aliens in the Family was kind of stupid, but I will always maintain that it was underrated.

With Neil Patrick Harris at the top of the list, I presume?

Muppets Tonight had a bunch of new Muppets, many of which were funny characters performed by talented puppeteers. It got canceled after 22 episodes.

I loved the movie, but the finale was a bit of a misfire. Not only because of the effect, but because they recycled an old song rather than coming up with a new one or doing a variation on the opening number, Great Muppet Caper-style.

Right. They definitely used computery stuff to erase puppeteers (and arm rods, which is weird), but when you see Constantine dancing and such, he's a real live puppet being manipulated by real live puppeteers. They did the same thing with Walter in the last movie, when he climbed up on the kitchen counter.