
If only Martin Scorsese had actually made Gatsby with Leo instead of Vinny Chase. THERE's a movie I would pay to see.

It's frustrating how it took the writers nearly all season to figure out that people still love the Office when it focuses tightly on the show's most established characters.

NBC's 2013 fall lineup: All the Voice, all the time.

Oh, thank Christmas. NBC canceled Whitney.

Wait, it wasn't called "Goon?"

I'm only here for the Curb Your Enthusiasm notification. I feel bambozled!

Anybody else ever read that Something by Ralph Waldo Emerson?

That would be a good one, too.

Guess there's a break between locations on the Get Smart 2 shooting schedule.

Glad to hear it confirmed. I couldn't imagine an Office finale without Michael Scott.

No Chang in Vegas no care.

I believe they limit Krusty's appearances because his voice characterization is hell on Dan Castalleneta's vocal cords.

This episode bore some of my favorite Louise moments so far. Kristen Schaal's voice work is a thing of beauty. She desperately deserves to win an Emmy for it.

Not sure which I hate more: when a "previously on" telegraphs plot developments seconds into the show, or Mad Men's incomprehensible "next time on" montages.

Oh Weiner, you clever fox!

God I hate this woman.

I'm only asking because I'm a relatively new reader to comics, and I haven't found much wrong with his stories.

Disqus has been actin afool all day

What's your beef with Lobdell, Oliver?

Angry Beavers! One of the most underrated Nicktoons.