
I won't lie, I totally Googled "Old Spanish" after Ted ordered it. 

Guess Christine Taylor needs something to do

I hear Netflix is looking for canceled shows to resurrect….

Don't forget about the speakers.

"Have you SEEN the final season of Malcolm in the Middle?"

Maybe not the album I've loved the longest, but the one I love the most: Avalanches - Since I Left You.

Tom Bodett!

I wish I could get my hands on the old Weird Science TV show.

What I would give for this to be a one-episode season.


Love their remix album "Mixed Up." Some of my favorite versions of their best stuff.

That DJ is FIRED UP about the new Daft Punk.

Filing under A for "About Fucking Time."

I did not find this episode enjoyable.

I cannot believe that not one of the Simpsons' many drug trips were mentioned in this article. For shame, AV Club!

Enjoyed Miguel. Nice to see SNL getting some lesser known acts a shot.

It's kind of annoying to think how smart Larry the Cable Guy probably is vs. the ignorant assclown he portrays in his act.

This may very well be my most anticipated album of 2013.

Gil Thorp was a little too cartoonish; he belongs on Parks and Recreation, not Modern Family.

You talk the talk, Quimby, but do you walk the walk?