Commander Anderson

Rachael Harris is also class-A sexy middle-aged woman.

Rachael Harris is also class-A sexy middle-aged woman.

Well she has a blog, and I think that's reason she felt it was okay for her to interrupt him in the middle of his routine. She's used to voicing her opinion, used to people hearing what she has to say, and sometimes when we react without thinking (which happens quite often when our "personal values" are damaged) we

So Kevin Coster and Bill Paxton walk into a bar.
I walk around it while pointing and laughing.

So Kevin Coster and Bill Paxton walk into a bar.
I walk around it while pointing and laughing.

Well said. I think you out typed VanDerWerff on this one.

The douchiness thing probably explains it. I've never seen an interview of him in real life and have't been exposed to his asshole within. Nor have I heard of his misogyny. I dunno. I just find his stand up funny. Kool Aid Man. McDonald's pickle lady. Taint wizard. That's some funny shit!

I kinda like Dane Cook. I don't get where the hatred comes from. Someone please enlighten me.

Here's my problem with the episode. If Glee is supposed to be this great bastion for teenagers, where Ryan Murphy and Co. dish out golden nuggets of wisdom on the intricacies of adolescence, growing up, and adulthood…then why the fuck is everyone able to complete intricate dance numbers with little to no practice?

OHHHH. Take that Clooney!

Here's one for you. Constantly bitching and moaning about race and how minorities aren't in the public eye is actually racist. Oh yeah. I went there. Whaddup.

Just play Amnesia. It's just like the Penumbra series, except they perfected a lot of the elements in it. In my opinion, the sanity/lantern/servants dynamic is one of the most brilliant gameplay mechanics ever invented. The story is a little weak, but lets be honest, no one played Amnesia for the story. The countless

I wanted a more tragic ending to the saga. Harry, having survived tons of dark shit, like, invents spells that target minorities. It was tied up way too nicely. Yeah, a bunch of people died. What's new.

Totes. I was thinking this felt like a season 1 episode because it contained Enthusiastic Castle, someone we saw a lot of in season 1 (and is sadly, mostly non-existent now).

Did they photoshop David Simon's eyes out that picture?

Why bullying occurs. This is just my opinion.
We do it because we are insecure about something in our identity. There's a part of us that isn't solid or concrete. Deep down we can feel it and that scares us. We lash out against that which we don't wish to become because we aren't solid within and have entertained the

Don't forget BME Pain Olympics!!

One of the finer speeches I've given

As a devote Packer fan, the Super Bowl has to be included as one of my favorite television experiences.

It's widely regarded that The Good Wife didn't reach its stride until after Season 1's winter hiatus.  Stick with it.