Commander Anderson

Greg Miller of IGN is a perfect example of this. He is a self-proclaimed "PS3 fanboy" and it's a shame that a "professional" journalist would be so unobjective. I've read his reviews, listened to him talk, and anyone who wants an objective review should look elsewhere.

Tracy Morgan was the only one on the ice without skates on. Of course…

They played Niggas in Paris so many times because they were filming the music video.

The Lamb

Remember when Tom Cruise foot surfed the road when the other guy was shooting his motorcycle. Yeah, that happened…


Risky Business, Rain Man, Jerry Maguire, MI1 and MI3, Minority Report, A Few Good Men OH AND TOP GUN

Without a doubt. Best part of the episode that kept me laughing until the credits was the Cootes party with Ewok music in the background.

[cough] Speaking of The Wire, wondering if TV Club is gonna do a special on Top Boy.  It's drawn a lot of comparisons to TW. Supposed to be really good.  C'mon. You guys reviewed the Sherlock Holmes miniseries which aired on BBC.

Oh man, there was a lot of hypocrisy flying around this episode.  We had Dawn's completely self-absorbed flip flopping with Cochran, but you can't top Jim's indictment of Cochran as a "coward."  In fact, Cochran standing up for himself at tribal council, knowing the kind of hate and prejudice he faces from the Savaii

Some people say that dinosaurs are proof the bible is complete bullshit. Well, Terra Nova is proof that Satan exists.

Does that involve giving a keynote style speech while drinking hipster water with a black turtleneck on?

That was a beautiful review. Well done.