
As RuPaul has repeatedly said. "you're born naked and the rest is drag,"

I love that alternate reality Olivia Pope has natural hair. Of course she can’t afford those weekly perms.

In the background, you see Frank Sinatra and Johnny Carson laughing hysterically while ignoring the No Smoking In Heaven sign.

I recommend the 2007 documentary film 'Mr. Warmth, The Don Rickles Project. It was pretty entertaining and you got to see the real Don. He talked about his beloved Mom. How he met his wife Barbara (52 years) and how she wasn't overly impressed by him which made him like her more. His longtime friendship with Bob

Plus Hedda and Louella were both politically conservative. Or as one person described them “to the right of Genghis Khan.”. I would not be surprised if Trump stole "Make America Great Again" from one of their old columns.

Judy Davis’ Hedda Hopper gets a platform as well, to explain that her poison pen is actually Hollywood’s moral compass, and she’s given up her own acting career, and any dreams she had of having a family, to create it.

Hepburn refused to play the "Hollywood Game". She was won her rewards on her acting skills alone. Heck she even wore pants when it was considered not very ladylike.

Oh my goodness, Jasmine during the Shakespeare challenge. The way she was dressed, the makeup and hair. You can not tell me she did not remind you of Shenenah from Martin (used to air on Fox in the 90s). I was waiting for her to say "well, looky look"

"I've seen Kylie live in New York - the crowd was whiter than the DC Metro for Dubya's inauguration"

Thank You!! :-x

It was!! I always thought it was hilarious when they were doing the Bitch Ball and the faux Untucked with the dogs they repeated the saying. Long Live Season 4.

Yeah, I've watched since the first season via vaseline lens and that does not make me an expert. Then again I am a female and for the life of me can not master putting on MAC eyelashes on me. I always end up looking like Gia Gunn (wonk eye).

OH!! where can I find Alaska and Bianca's commentary?

You would think by now since the fans get a vote who will win the race, the queens would try to tone down the bitchiness. We do not reward bitchy mean queens (cough cough Phi Phi and Roxxy). We do not mind them being a bitch (Being In Total Control of Herself). Perfect example: Raven & Detox but we do not like mean,

I like Minj too. She is adorable. I loved how she described the other team as Aryan Airlines. (too funny). Do I think she will take it all? No. But she will definitely win Miss Congeniality and when you think of the past winners (Hello Miss Nina Flowers & Miss Latrice MF Royale) she will be in good company.

Hermione, you should watch the first season of Fresh Prince of Bel Air because Will Smith does the same exact thing. Will remembered the whole script that he was mouthing everyone's lines. It is quite comical to see how green Will Smith as an actor was back in the day.

It is soft because it was the first season. Yeah, the production was pretty low budget but I still loved it because it was new. It was different and I was very anti-reality show. It was a show I found by accident when I used to watch reruns of BTVS and Logo kept advertising this new show by RuPaul. I was hooked. Plus,

I wasn't exactly a fan of Roxxy Andrews even though I loved how she painted her face but I will say the pulling off the wig and then having another wig underneath was genius. UGH! Mimi Imfurst or however she spells her last name.

When the queens have to lip-sync for their lives the following should be automatically deductions:
Taking off your wig (anyone remember Milan, Kenya Michaels). Sorry but this should automatically send you home.
Undressing (again Milan…rolling eyes)
Taking off your shoes. You are a drag queen you should know how to

Correct. You can show boobs on television (like side boob) but aren't allowed to show the nipple. You can show someone's ass on television but not the crack (crack is whack). Sort of like the words god and damn. Say them separately okay. Say them together not allowed by censors.