
Jasmine's torso reminds me of Jade's from Season 1. Jasmine reminds me a little bit of Lasagna from last year and that is not a good thing. Actually I really blame Tamar Braxton on how Lasagna acted. Lasagna literally copied Tamar's sayings and eye rolls. Everything. It was Tamar 2.0 and that is NOT a compliment.

But I have to be honest, every time she talks about not liking green, I automatically go to season 4 (my favorite season of all) and SnatchGame. Sharon Needles impersonating Michelle and talking about Madame LaQueer. LOL!!!

Ah yes, Cher. Hmm, lets see:

Agreed Georgia and Chazz were not good guests (a tad boring & stiff) which is ironic considering Cher is pretty entertaining. But you know what that happens on real talk shows. Robin Williams is a great guest (Johnny Carson loved him). Same goes with Bette Midler. They know how to entertain the host and audience.

UGH!! I think Joslyn Fox is adorable! I love her personality and I think she will definitely win Miss Congeniality for Season 6 but come on she should have been in the bottom 2 last night along with Adore. First, her wig during the challenge was atrocious. It looked so matted, cheap and never has seen a brush in its

LOL!! Are you kidding me since season 1 I have been waiting for Bette Midler, Patti LaBelle, Gloria Gaynor, Martha Walsh, Cher, Liza, Debbie Harry and Diana Ross to be judges. RuPaul's wigs are a tribute to Dolly!! Too bad Bea Arthur, Rue McClanahan and Estelle are no longer with us they would have been excellent

Bianca would make a great Drag Mother or as Adore called her "Evil Step Mother". She wouldn't be all cuddly but as Shangela would say "keep it real". I am sure Trinity has a drag mother. Most drag queens from ATL either belong to a house or have a DM. But Adore is definitely Adore Del Rio.

Ah yes, the very first annoying queen of RPDR. God, her runway walk was horrible. She was dead from the waist down.

It is horrible to say but I think Lasagna just got on my last nerve that I actually do not mind Phi Phi which makes me dislike Lasagna even more

First, let me say I am SOO happy Lasagna is finally gone!! Can we all say an AMEN and drink to her exit!! And THANK YOU BIANCA to putting Lasagna in her place when you said “I’m not yo mama. My name is Bianca.”

And M.A.C too which so surprises me since they were on for season 1 and All Stars. Plus RuPaul has a long relationship with them (Viva Glam). If I was a Drag Queen I would prefer a lifetime supply of MAC over Nyx Cosmetics.

Do not worry after Drag Race ends, Adore will be able to upgrade and not be on such a tight budget (drag on a dime..season 1….LOL). If she plays the game right, she will be booked for some lucrative gigs with other DR alumni (boat cruise & commercials). The valuable lessons she learns during her stay on DR will make

I wish those girls would slow down when they are on the runway. They are walking way to fast!! Girl slow down. You are selling your look so walk with confidence and let the judges see you in your glory. I kept thinking Adore to walk slower please! She drove me a tad nuts on the runway.

No, Raven and Detox need to put Laganja in her place. Love love Latrice but I think Laganja needs a good verbal smack down and Raven and Detox have the razor sharp tongues to do it!!

Heck, there should be a spin-off of Latrice mentoring younger queens whether they are plus size or not. I always pictured Miss Latrice MF Royale sitting on a large throne giving out advice/wisdom. She would be a fantastic Drag Mother (hell I am straight and I would love to be her drag daughter)! Giving 5Gs (Good God

Gia doesn't know her drag history and unfortunately alot of the younger queens are just like her. They think it is about looking pretty/fishy and a pretty face will get you anything. If Gia was smart (which we all know she is not), she would know that Ru didn't start off as a Glamazon but was into the club

I do not think Trinity is Tyra the sequel. I think Trinity has a little more depth to her. Lets be honest, a tree stump is smarter than Tyra Sanchez. Bianca is SO right about Beyonce.You can dance to it, you can lip sync but it is very hard to look like her. Tyra tried it, the horrible train wreck performance of Kenya

Are you talking about the fake beard on Milk or the beard/five o'clock shadow on Willam. LOL, don't get me wrong I like that crazy queen but Sharon Needles was right, she needs to stop using the expensive makeup and start using the pancake makeup they all use to hide the beards/stubble.

Yes, she was in drag on A-Idol. There is a you tube video of her audition. At first, he audition as his real self (boy) Shane Jenek and was rejected. She came back to audition as Courtney Act and made it. And you are right, it would never happen on American Idol. Middle America would have a heart attack. Fox News

OMG!! I said the same thing and Ru should have her gay icon card suspended for 30 days! Not only did she forget about Liza (with a Z). She also forgot!! Patti LaBelle, Bette Midler and Hello Madonna!!!