
Gone are the days when action heroes didn't have mental issues, they just killed all the baddies and said one liners. Now all our heroes got problems.

Next album Kayne West goes acoustic and BLOWS. ALL. YOUR. MOTHERF—KIN. CRACKER. RACIST. MINDS.

Need pictures or all dem words make my head hurt

I'm thinking a Korean director and 2 weeks shooting time in the Arizona desert. C'mon, Arnie.

Film looks depressing to me.

When I was in third grade I was scared of balloons popping. Unsure that once I entered the sixth grade I would be prepared for extreme grisly torture.

Damn it, man, Stephen King keeps releasing them books

I don't think Reznor has the arms anymore like he did during "With Teeth" (geesh), but go figure that not everyone can work with a, ahem, musical psychopath. Man probably knows more about music that you will ever learn.

Only thing that would make this movie better was if Yahoo was position as the mean evil corporation looking to develop land over the park, but Google gonna raise some money to stop them!

Too many old guys in movies coming up

Good he's joined the land of the living again. For awhile there he was doing David Bowie songs sponsored by a car company (???) and it wasn't groovy, baby.

Kinda doubting reviewer actually saw this movie, since mostly everybody else is giving it a big, fat F. It's ok. Nothing about this movie sounds appealing, so I too would give it a standard "yeah, whatever, it's ok or something" grade. I guess if you have Shyamalan as a director nowadays, yer making that crazy

"I tell ya, the turtles, the turtles are alive!", exclaims Whoopi with 300 cats around her. Whateves to everybody, too.

"James Bond has to play the part of Othello in order to gain the trust of Dr. No's son"

Wowie zowie wow! I'm Diamond Dave And I'm A Badass, man! Whoo!

"You ain't got the balls, son"

We say the same thing about Robert De Niro

Everytime I showed my penis, people laughed. Especially the girls. *cries

Also, Galfy's apparently a asshole. Because after you become famous, naturally people think you become a asshole

Think I'll pass on the giraffe decapitation. I'll just picture it in my head. Ha ha. That was good.