
Next you know they'll have Ryan Gosling come in and kill everybody, just like he does in "Only God Forgives".

I think it's the evil version of "The Boss" or whatever that show is called where Bosses become employees. My Dad will watch that.

It's seems like a boring job in the first place, and then if I had to sign some waiver on be on a show, i would be boring as possible. Then they would paint me as the "WEIRD ANTI-SOCIAL LOSER WHO HATES EVERYBODY".

Even getting paid and being on TV…after awhile, you start to go, "I would actually rather be working than do this fake shit"

If there was a God, this airhead would be dead already

Gonna get ya Tim Dog!

I dig Justin Bieber actually. It's like a new joke every time he shows up. And damn, he looks so old in that pic.

I like how I'm afraid of a black rapper now, just like the good ol' days. He'll probably blame a honkey like me for killing Martin Lurther King in a track

3.7 out of 5 ain't bad. But just look at the Zombieland pic above. It screams "shoddy ripoff". Glad they killed this thing.

I get annoyed by people who always wear hoods in public all the fucking time.


"You know who liked music too? George W. Bush. That dumbass"

Bit weird to be grunting and spitting while you're listening to Berlin's "Take My Breath Away" (i heard he listens to ballads when he jacks weight).

I remember when Alice in Chains reformed they were expecting a lot of old guys, but their audience turned out to be a lot of youngens.

As a kid: Man, who are these old bands, and why are my parents paying so much money to go see them? Black Flag rules. Then you grow up…

Hank's always had that sorta vibe to him

And I'm tired of yelling out my songs

Music should play musicians. That kinda blew my mind.

It's like a painting of two halves. The top half is something you'll see on a 80s TV guide. The bottom half is Monty Python terrority. God should blow up the world if somebody paid nearly $2 million for this.

Yeah You Know MeImma A Hologram 
As You Can See
See, Life Gave Me The Boota
Then Nerds Will Put Me In A Computa 
Making Them Some Money
You Bitches I'm Fucking Dead