
Man, Robocop's got a big ol' fat ass. And where's the gun?

Damn, man. How about we pool our resources, buy a plane ticket, and punch this guy in the face. Dealing with this "I entertain people!" guy. Good grief.

Wait, the dead can release from the grave?….Oh, I got suckered in. I clicked on a article that said, "Tom Brady 'Sees Ghosts'" thinking it was some Scooby-Doo stuff. And no, it was just a boring article about how Brady is jittery in the pocket.

It was me!

Robert De Niro was good once

April does seem like it's gonna be "THE MONTH OF SUCK"

Maybe they pulled it because people deemed it too dumb to exist

Kinda need more pics in this article.

"…After he loses his spiritual center and embraces cocaine with the same intensity he once embraced Jesus’ purifying love…"

The motto: "As long as it gets ratings". I can't really look down at MTV and go, "Well, you should be putting out more intelligent programming."

"Imma bet on my baby, baby!" can go up with there with "Big, Big Money!"

They say with science experiments that they study the failures as the successes in order not to repeat the same mistakes. They don't do that over in TV land. They'll throw something up that is a copycat of what seems to work and hope for the best. You'll see another stupid show like this pop up in your life time.

Scary Movie 1: It's the shit!
Scary Movie 5: It's shit!

Shows like this are meant to be sexist and stupid. But this show won't succeed because a) it sounds hella boring and b) the three guys in the pic are pretty fugly. Don't worry, folks. Show will soon be canceled. I think the most "evilest" reality show was that show about kids living by themselves in a "Lord of the

I read his G.I. Joe review earlier in the week and howled at the end in laughter. Now he's dead. Man. We all have to go sometime. Really just want to sit alone.

"This is now how you play Call of Duty. See, if you can't see the violence, then you won't become a serial killer. And you get to play Call of Duty! Why didn't we think of this before?"

Nothing wrong with movies made just to made money. It's just that if too many of these soulless cash-grabs are released at one time, everybody's brain will turn into mush.

hey y'all howz it goin? Hello out there. Hellooooo. How are you? Hello? check out my twitter at shanetexascedt@twitter.com and stuff. Eating a philly cheesesteak right now and a bit tired. Hello out there. Hello

And I was listening to "Suture up your future" today. Would be nice if they could get their shit together.

Damn it!.I knew he wasn't really eating puppies but I just had to click the link because of the title. You win, AVclub.