
Avoiding going to AV Club because haven't caught the end of Breaking Bad. All I know is that Walt grows hair.

How many Seth cartoons are there?


Could never get into the show, because it did turn into a farce. You can't really turn a serial killer into a super hero. And directly working for the police and they're none too wiser after all this time? Yeah.

They're hoping to get those "Ted" and "Family Guy" viewers. That's how it was sold. 3rd episode might feature "breaking the fourth wall" moments and somebody shitting on a couch.

Drake did it before y'all, and you old bastards been living longer than him

Get back to Robot Chicken, damn you

Fox - "Wouldn't you want to (cleep) that chick?" I think it's a bad sign that you show commericals hyping this show and there's nothing funny, entertaining, or really worth a damn.

This was the only AV club article I clicked on today, so he's good for business

We're probably going to build a pyramid for him, right? A normal grave just won't do him justice.

Netflix / streaming for me if I want to enjoy movies. When I go out to movies, I bring earplugs and the knowledge that there will be people like that.

I watched it recently.

Yeah. Pretty much Robert De Niro world here. I mean, it's good to be working and being productive, but you're basically doing shit movies, man. Entertaining movies (not films) should be explained in one short sentence.

I actually thought he won a car. You know…a "Hugo". A small, european car.

I thought he died

There's a letter than comes after C. It's D. After D, it's F. I don't get why AV Club has all these "C" grades for really flaming piles of shit movies.

Look into Ben Affleck eyes and you see….

Well, I made the choice to institutionalize myself. Parents found out by a phone call and they were living 3,000 miles away. Love the Pepsi product placement.

Yep, a rare Pearl Jam music video. No wonder why the video "Oceans" never saw the light of day in the United States. "Pearl Jam taking a vacation in Hawaii in the sun and looking happy? Eff that. Here's some more bombs and shit and people dying." I am happy it's better than their last video, which was filmed in front

Isn't that where Zooey yelled "Penis?"