
How about somebody who has a career and not one they made up?

Now I'll need to sell even more meth to kids

I wasn't expecting therapy for my troubled mind when reading comments for a preview of a Adam Sandler movie, but you lovely people in the comments section made me laugh. By the way, how much money does Adam Sandler need? At this point, I consider him more of a whore than porn stars.

The Audi people were trying to keep things simple, but … don't go with that scenario. The girl could have slapped that twerp, but that doesn't sell cars.

Yeah it was shit. Some commmericals didn't make me want to buy the product at all (Taco Bell).

Yeah, find it funny that the year Pentagon allows women more of a role in armed combat…they show a prom queen liking getting kissed by strangers. "Ooh! Kiss me more, stranger!"

Hated that Taco Bell skit with a passion previously unknown to me.

Watched the clip and I felt like Homer Simpson. I don't get it.

Did anybody from the "Do Not Harm" team thought that this would be a good show? I'm not sure who is supposed to appeal to. It's like a severely lame-ass "Dexter", I guess.

I don't have Cable, so bring on more awful broad band comedies that won't last a season.

I remember it being good at one point, then I guess they got a new writer who writes stuff like "Football is so dull" and talking about bowling and getting seven-layer dip. Yikes.

"Well, I guess I'm really am a paycheck actor."

I remember that hot moment when the girl took off her shirt…whoo!

Well, it's her opinion, and her article…but does does everybody at A.V. Club love Honey Boo-Boo? I guess so. It says "What we're putting up with."

Well, it's her opinion, and her article…but does does everybody at A.V. Club love Honey Boo-Boo? I guess so. It says "What we're putting up with."

I'm sorry, I couldn't read the review because THERE'S FUCKING PORTLANDIA ADS PLASTERED EVERYWHERE

"Django, you black motherfucker, they gonna kill yo ass!"

When watching "Django Unchained" in theaters, there were two "Paranomal Activity" comedies trailers that ran back-to-back: "A Haunted House" and "Scary Movie 5". It was a very weird experience.

What the fuck is "fracking"?

What the fuck is "fracking"?