
"Adapt or calm down". I like that. Don't get your panties too much in a twist about TLC or shows you find dumb. Just ignore them and move on. Oh, and it's time for a…

"Adapt or calm down". I like that. Don't get your panties too much in a twist about TLC or shows you find dumb. Just ignore them and move on. Oh, and it's time for a…

Happy Holy days everybody.

Happy Holy days everybody.

Here have a hamster. Sometimes I feel the best response to something like this is to respond with babble. Tree decorations! Makes as much sense.

Here have a hamster. Sometimes I feel the best response to something like this is to respond with babble. Tree decorations! Makes as much sense.

"It’s mythmaking for self-satisfied sociopaths." I love that line.

"It’s mythmaking for self-satisfied sociopaths." I love that line.

No love for "Here Comes The Boom?"

No love for "Here Comes The Boom?"

I don't what sounds more crazy: If I say that I never watched a single second of Gossip girl (I'm not sure I even saw any of the commericals for it) or "Happy Gossip Girl Day" is a real, living thing.

I don't what sounds more crazy: If I say that I never watched a single second of Gossip girl (I'm not sure I even saw any of the commericals for it) or "Happy Gossip Girl Day" is a real, living thing.

Get your own "Zero Dark Thirty" dog collar, available at our website!

Get your own "Zero Dark Thirty" dog collar, available at our website!

Saw my father died by hanging.
He transformed into a bird that flew away.
His spirit is now free.
I blubbered. 
New age music was playing.
I realize I'm hanging and almost about to die.
I welcome death.
I don't even realize I'm crying.
I let go and fall to my death.
And somewhere, in a mountain village…
People weep over my

Saw my father died by hanging.
He transformed into a bird that flew away.
His spirit is now free.
I blubbered. 
New age music was playing.
I realize I'm hanging and almost about to die.
I welcome death.
I don't even realize I'm crying.
I let go and fall to my death.
And somewhere, in a mountain village…
People weep over my

Feel bad for Dexter. He lives a very hectic life for a serial killer.

Feel bad for Dexter. He lives a very hectic life for a serial killer.

It's Football for me today, but I'm not paying much attention to it so far, frankly.

It's Football for me today, but I'm not paying much attention to it so far, frankly.