mokey d luffy

And here I was expecting to see a mostly negative review. I thought there was very little to like in this episode.

I wondered that too. It seemed like such an easy fix.

I don't know if that's true. Time travel enthusiasts like to have a structure for how time travel works. Sure, it can be different from show to show, book to book, or movie to movie, but it shouldn't change episode to episode. It sure seems like the writers rewrite the rules of time travel constantly to fit

As did I. I was willing to let that slide, though, as there were enough other problems.

I agree that it was selfish, but he already established that, at least, by knowingly putting all of existence at risk so that he could go back in time and… be immediately persuaded against his plan, as he obviously didn't care that much about it, I guess.

I was actually pretty disappointed by this episode. Barry and Zoom actually had it out, and Barry got the upper hand. Then, he stood there talking for a bit while Zoom gathers his wits and formulates a plan. This seems very dumb on Barry's part, but he then gets dumber.

No, protecting your company's interests is not immoral. What makes his actions immoral are his motives. He simply cannot bear to have Jimmy succeed at anything, or apparently even to have a friend of his do so either. I don't think that he would have put himself through agony if she had simply jumped ship to the

Correct. The camera shot clearly shows him stopped directly before a 10 Mile marker.

As stated above, the moment only works if they had delivered, and they did not. They are hoping that everyone will be all over Twitter and Facebook, debating who it is, and why. They even said on Talking Dead that they left a bunch of clues for people to search for. This is their way of adding gravity to the

I don't find it hard to imagine that the Saviors are a group of people that have, slowly but surely, been expanding their network. Their network currently included the Hilltop, obviously, and the are a decent distance away where Abraham, Sasha, and Daryl led the herd of walkers. That could easily be the current edge

That was the first time I've ever seen negative criticism even alluded to on Talking Dead. That is when I knew for certain that it was a lot more than just me that had a big problem with it.

While that is true, it still did not deliver. We were all promised a big event, and we got half of one. If they wanted to make it a cliff hanger death, then there should not have been an entire half season building up to this meeting. Building up for so long, and then hiding the victim, robs the moment of any

It isn't about being unable to wait. The entire second half of the season was a prelude to meeting Negan. This last entire episode was nothing but tension building up to the specific moment when they meet Negan. This is a large amount of time to dedicate to ten minutes at the end of the season when… well, I guess

The issue is really with how you view "making an impact". In the terms of watching a show, "making an impact" should have something to do with making me feel something about what is happening inside the actual show. Instead, it has changed the way people feel about what is happening TO the show, mainly from how the

Thank you to the reviewer for articulating the issue I had with this episode, and the back half of the season. Sure, I would have forgiven all of it if the show had truly delivered with Negan's appearance. Sadly, as well as I though Negan was acted, the decision to make the death a cliffhanger robbed the moment of

I thought she was having a legitimate crisis. Her refusal to join Rick and the rest of the group in the raid, her being upset that pregnant Maggie was even there in the first place, her list of people that she had killed, her most recent conversation with Morgan, and other things all led me to believe that she was

Agreed that the show's handling of Patty is terrible. It comes down to what is pretty much the weakest aspect of the show. Whenever the plot needs Barry's identity to be considered a tightly guarded secret, they make a huge deal about it. Whenever they aren't thinking about it much, it basically just gets revealed

A B+ just seems insane to me. Sure, there were cool things, but plenty of issues.

To be fair, they are reviews, not plot summaries. Those "unnecessarily wordy" paragraphs are there to explain how they came to the conclusion that they did, not to tell you what happened in the episode.

Agreed. While Rick is getting criticized for his "big plan" of leading the walkers away turning into a disaster, it is a bit unfair to leave out the fact that they were incredibly lucky to have already set it up, and just about to start a practice run when it started all by itself. Whether or not you think it was