mokey d luffy

From the beginning, Glenn has been one of my favorite characters.

I thought it was a bad episode simply because it wasn't pulled off well. As soon as that character appeared on screen, my initial reaction was that it was a female doing an absolutely terrible job pretending to be a man. they didn't seem trans-gendered to me, or anything close to male. It just looked like a woman

I was also disappointed in the second season, to the point that I am still unsure if I'm watching the third. I don't find the whole "clones imitating clones" to be either believable, or all that interesting. If every single one of them is able to perfectly imitate every single other one of them so that nobody but

I don't know that this show will ever have a better moment than Mark Hamill saying "I… am your Father". I laughed so hard when that happened. It was so over the top, and so perfect for the episode. As much as this show has improved from the very early episodes, and as much as I hope it continues to improve, I don't