the mgt

Back when he did movie reviews for the Bob and David website I once emailed Doug and called him out for what I felt was a pretty lazy installment of an otherwise excellent series. He immediately emailed back and wanted to know what my problem was. He didn't seem angry, just sarcastic and passive aggressively

Back when he did movie reviews for the Bob and David website I once emailed Doug and called him out for what I felt was a pretty lazy installment of an otherwise excellent series. He immediately emailed back and wanted to know what my problem was. He didn't seem angry, just sarcastic and passive aggressively

I guess I missed the part when she had any integrity in the first place

I guess I missed the part when she had any integrity in the first place

It's all fun and games until a bear shoots you in the fucking face.

It's all fun and games until a bear shoots you in the fucking face.

The average TV show writer is pretty humbly paid, as I understand it. Show-runners and those writers with distinguished resumes (or "in" status with certain producers) will make more, sure, but I think the average dude sitting around the writing table for a show like, say, Mike and Molly makes a wage comparable with

If your first reaction when discussing the Internet is to bitch about comments on blogs and videos as if they somehow were representative of the entire power and reach of this new communications tool, then you're clearly very much part of the problem. More specifically, you're probably a shut-in who's never left his

"Bucky Larsen" has as good of a shot at becoming the next president as Rick fucking Perry.

Matt Damon is in every one of Soderbergh's movies now, right? He even managed to find a scene for him in Che.

Archmage, your grasp of history is laughable. The  French colonized a basically medieval Indochine, but when the industrializing Vietnamese began to rise up against them, they were powerless to stop it.

I hauled a hell of a haul out of my local Borders last weekend. But, as a terrible and actively failing professional writer, I couldn't help but feel like some dirty British looter.

You get used to it.

I can see Hicks sort of digging the younger, not-yet-overdone J. Foxworthy. After all, Hicks was always enthusiastic about comedy that mocked southerners. The Carrot Top story, however, I find much harder to swallow.

^^^ PLANT ^^^

I, for one, think it's awesome that they're remaking "Child's Play" with a live-action Chucky. But I'm not sure why that particular photo would be posted to this article.

I think a series about a rural juror would be quite worthwhile.

Emma Stone is approaching Tommy Lee Jones-circa-1995 levels of ubiquity. And that's just fine with me.

Well, honestly, Stewart's interviews with celebrities are pretty uniformly godawful. Carell's most recent appearance was 15 minutes of them just smirking at each other and kissing each other's ass in a pretty uncomfortable way.

But do we really want another Jay Leno and/or Robin Williams? And weren't they both pretty likable when they were young, too? Maybe Amelie's smart to intervene early, here.