
Maybe Keith and Joe had epic bro outs that got left in the editing floor, and so Keith, being just a nice guy caught up in Survivor, didn't want to vote for Joe. If that's the case, then I say smart move not voting for Abbi and putting a target on yourself.

I feel like this show is an inadvertent commentary on privilege at times. Like when Meg walked away from that school bus, all I could say was "fucking rich people…"

Daddy dong-legs? I'll see myself out.

"And these semen stains, too accurate for sand people. Only imperial storm troopers are so precise"

This all reminds me the At the Drive-In's "Relationship of Command" is 15 years old this year. I too had gotten excited about the Mars Volta stuff and forgotten how much nascent brilliance are on those early At the Drive-In records also.

Sherlock Targaryen?

So this is why they'll only show Andy Serkis' face with the motion capture dots in the Force Awakens promo photos. If they revealed him as "Old Jar Jar" obviously no one would watch Star Wars ever again.

He's probably just saved by the power of Jesus (the one true son, not the comic character).

Yeah, well. The Force abides.

I like how the prosthetics department were able to squeeze the nascent idea for Legal Zoom under that brow.

Someone at Yahoo should read Cheryl Sandberg's "Lean In"

She's not my sister, man! I am just trying to help her conceive.

No Replacements, so never mind.

Oh man, they totally retconned "Massachusetts Afternoon" out of existence…

I have no idea who Taylor Swift before I listened to this record and spent an inordinate amount of time thinking this was like Ryan Adams' Ugly Casanova record. That said, it is quite good.

So does this mean Pete Davidson will have to polish his Bernie Sanders?

Whatever happened to the bluegrass cover of the Strokes' "Is this it" album he promised around 2002?

Judy Greer in that bucket hat when she interrupts the college tour though…

This is on point. A buddy of mine used to say that Lucero and DBT would "always be the sound of 2004."

I'm worried about your short-term memory loss, Internet.