White Suburban Punk

He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts.

I was just offering suggestions. You don't have to be so mean about it, Zod.

"Need" is a strong word. But I actually do want another Pirate movie. I've enjoyed the previous four, and I like a well done fantasy adventure movie. We have so few of them as it is.

"Troy"? Is his first name Castor?

Pirate fatigue? Sequel fatigue? Depp fatigue?

It's a fun sci-fi non-Star Wars/Star Trek film, that scratches that itch without being beholden to those universes and is (at present) tangentially connected to the rest of the MCU.

It took me two tries to read it initially, but that was way before King revised it.

Yeah, that seemed arbitrary.

We don't. We care about Bob Newhart!

When your self-worth is completely tied to the approval of large rooms filled with strangers, you got problems.

Gainesville? Is that where Chris Gaines is from?

It's a monstrous cycle to be sure.

You know how much Budweiser you need to drink to get drunk on it? Especially if you're an alcoholic and have built up tolerance?

Uncle Julius makes everything better.

No, but that reminds me of an episode of McHale's Navy…

Plus Dave has Sigourney Weaver, and no movie with Sigourney Weaver in it could be all that bad.

That's just one of those films with a great fucking cast top to bottom. It makes use of every damn Western trope there is and manages to be utterly delightful throughout.

"And you shall know, when the little bears from the windy city win the flag, that the end shall be nigh."

Which is good. There needs to be someone on the show outside of Team Flash, and if they have a relationship where they snipe at one another constantly, that's a plus. Keeps it from being boring.

As I said elsewhere down (or up) thread, it's not a detector, it's an alert. That's why there was 30 of them. People on the street tagged the monster and the app alerted Team Flash (and anyone else with the app).