White Suburban Punk

Worse case, you're out a cup of coffee and a half hour of your time. I say give it a shot.

I expect there will continue to be friction. But he would be pretty one note and dull if that was all he brought to the table.

Yeah, Harry had a watch. I don't recall the specifics of Cisco coming out (hey, remember when he was all angsty about his powers, same as Caitlin is now?) but I think it was post the trip to Earth-2.

Tenzil Kem is a good cop!

Yeah, that was totally Bill Bixby turning into the Hulk kind of stuff with the eyes and such.

He… did not, actually. Huh. I barely even noticed. He was surprisingly competent and on point throughout this episode.

It's an alert, not a detector.

I was really glad when Barry asked if he wanted to get a beer.

Yes, that's the only reason someone would be upset about almost murdering a kid.

Or not get sued when someone whose life you saved ends up with broken bones because you just weren't fast enough? Good luck suing Masked Man!

I want to see Ralph and Sue so much. Especially since they are "Flash characters," I really hope they show up this season.

That was awful, awful dialogue. Mom lost a husband, but Cait lost her dad. Of course she knows what it was like! She was right fucking there!

I like how HR mentioned his "partner" who actually cracked Harry's code, but didn't name them. You suppose that might become important later?

Is it just me, or did Cisco's apartment look like Wally's from the Flashpoint universe?

It was so obviously the case, though. A forty foot tall monster doesn't just disappear.

I think the Nu52 might have changed that, but it looks like Rebirth is fixing it.

Robert E. Howard's Conan fought his share of Lovecraftian monstrosities and pretty universally got the better of them.

His worst work was probably "The Street" or "He," but I think Lovecraft saw "Reanimator" as a parodic and humorous exploration of the Frankenstein idea, not a serious work at all.

Color? No. Sound? Yes.

And Dagon is totally an adaptation of "Shadow Over Innsmouth."