White Suburban Punk

Sometimes the system works. That's a truly awful idea and I'm glad it was erased.

Yeah, I can't disagree. Inasmuch as I have never been interested in Cheetah, so I find the fact that Rucka is investing so much energy into making her interesting makes for compelling reading. I haven't read my October issues yet, but I really like the frenemy dynamic in the present, and Minerva's introduction in the

There are no shining feet in the Jimenez piece that I can see.

Well, as regards to that, we'll just have to agree to agree.

I recall the Azzarello/Chiang run as one of the immediate bright spots of the Nu52. But I think it diverged too much from the central premise and ignored a lot of the things that make Wonder Woman unique. I didn't read anything past the first couple issues, but I didn't much care for Azzarello's version of Greek

The modern day part of Rucka's run is pretty spiffy.

There will probably be car and Coca-Cola commercials, too. And if you try to time your arrival at the theater so you can skip them, you'll be left with a shitty seat.

The only problem with Guy is that he's another white guy, which leads to people trying to force Cyborg on to the Justice League because of that one season of Super Friends and he's the only black superhero DC has who isn't a replacement for a white superhero or have the word "black" in his name.

Well, now we're talking race, which is related to but a separate issue from ethnicity.

This is wrong. Nick Fury looks like Kurt Russell.

I think the DCCU could avoid both the "too white" problem and the "we insist Cyborg is a thing" problem by just using John Stewart as their GL. Would also side-step the horrible Hal Jordan film. Sort of a three birds with one stone kind of thing. Also, thanks to the Justice League cartoon, more people are ready for

Well, he was "a" Metallo. I'll concede that much. Even though his last name wasn't Corbin, he was still Metallo though.

Depends on whether you believe ethnicity is dependent upon your biology or how you were raised, I suppose.

That certainly sounds like Zach Snyder.

He lives in Greenwich Village.

WWI is not boring. It is horror personified.

I still maintain there's a decent movie buried somewhere inside that terrible Green Lantern film. I hoped a director's cut would fix some of the problems, but no such luck.

A recent episode of Supergirl featured Martian Manhunter and Superman teaming up to fight Metallo. Your premise that it is "awful" is flawed.

I liked Luke Evans well enough in the Hobbit movies, and I really liked him in the extras on the blu-rays because he comes across as a really decent fellow, but I'm still not watching that goddam Dracula movie.

Yeah, I've never liked Dr. Strange and I don't "get" Cumberbatch. But I'm still going to go see it - I haven't missed a Marvel movie yet, and every one I've seen has entertained me to some degree. Yes, even Iron Man 2, Thor: Dark World, and Incredible Hulk. I'm that guy.