White Suburban Punk

Repetitiveness. Repetitiveness is our job. Our job. Our job is repetitiveness.

There's a lot of fanservice for those interested in ladies, though. Like way more than I would have thought Disney comfortable with.

You could say it moved her… TO A BIGGER HOUSE!

I'm sorry, but the Wold Newton Universe got to Tarzan first. Disney can go fuck itself.

In all honesty, I think This Old House has the NE market cornered.

I've heard this rumor, but I haven't seen any homophobia on the show. I have seen them trying not to be uncomfortable around a black couple, though.

My wife has really started watching a lot of these shows just in the past few weeks. I wouldn't have know what any of them were even in, say, January. But now they're on all the flippin' time in my house.

Voyagers was great. I loved the little time machine device, the omni-whatever.

Given that Herbert George, notorious womanizer, never traveled through time, I think odds are pretty good.

That much is obvious. He's a goofball. She's no-nonsense. They're the original odd couple!

They seem like a nice couple of folks who actually care about one another and their kids and do a good job with the houses they renovate. I don't trust a 40 year old man who insists people call him "Chip," though.

The couple on this show is truly annoying. And since when is "backsplash" a fucking word?

There are no photogenic homes anywhere in New England for these kinds of shows.

I hope not. There is a line in the trailer where Bardem orders Rush to find Depp for him, so with any luck there will be plenty of the best pirate in the franchise for all.

You and me against the world, mate!

I think it looks like fun. I like a good swashbuckling fantasy film, with lots of cool stunts and effects.

Well, yeah. I mean, there's an angel involved, not God directly. There's delegation. Universe is a big place - I could believe a God who sends lackeys to look after people more than I could a God who intervenes personally in some schmuck's life.

I think that was me. Covering my bases.

There's a phenomenon called "marine snow." After a feeding frenzy, all the little bits and pieces that didn't get gobbled up slowly float to the bottom.

Well, the fact that Aquaman is blond is an actual plot point in the comics. They're clearly ignoring that, so why not the secondary color scheme uniform as well?