White Suburban Punk

I still think that was an amazing thing to do on a kid's cartoon at the time.

They're building up the friendship, so that when the inevitable heel turn happens, there's some actual pathos involved.

I expect that to be an important plot point.

Yes, thank you! Glad I'm not he only person who noticed that.

Because she's this show's version of Batman. She and her sister are this world's finest team, and Alex gets to be the hard-edged badass part of that equation.

This show doesn't need Batman. It has Alex.

Nope. The Teen Titans were working out of NYC as of the 80s. and probably earlier than that, too.

I'm not getting these. I don't want to be turned into a Cyberman.

I don't trust Apple at all. They can't even keep their grubby hands out of my fucking iTunes.

My beef is that this is a "preview." Four pages of the actual book + six covers is not going to convince me to buy your book. Seven or nine pages of the interior might give me a better feel for what the creative team is trying to achieve.

It's 1996 all over again at Marvel. Throw everything at the wall! Something will stick!

Six covers. This is more like it, Marvel Ad Guy. When you can't dazzle with relevance, dazzle with options!

I'm sure Winn will get a spotlight episode or two during the course of the season.

Yeah, I noticed that too. But I'd rather they gloss over that aspect and move forward than have Sad Barry bemoan his lot in life.

I usually switch the order of comments when that happens, and then whole threads suddenly materialize out of the aether.

And there was much rejoicing.

You ever hit "Load More Comments" three times and get the same screen each time? Oh Disqus, you fucking suck.

L'il Punk was an annoying little shit this morning. Wouldn't get his butt in gear, dilly-dallied as only a 4 year old can while getting ready to leave, just daydreaming and goofing off and making me late for work. I was grumpy dad this morning. Dropped him off at daycare, was trying to get out the door before he'd

Another dad chiming in.