White Suburban Punk

I mention this every time this sort of thing comes up, but the first Silent Hill game gave me legitimate, wake-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night-sweating nightmares.

Stephen King > Quotes > Quotable Quote

I was like, why is he using an automatic? What about the…? Oh. Well, fuck you show.

Supergirl doesn't need to concern herself with such mortal limitations.

The detail that Wells basically plagiarized the name was the icing on the cake.

It does seem to be the only lesson he actually learned from Oliver. But then a half dozen arrows in the back are a good mnemonic device, I've noticed.

And that budget is MUCH bigger.

I guess Barry comes by his reticence naturally - or fosterly? - after all.

Then he's not over 35.

Their half-assed solution is going to bite them on the ass? The deuce, you say!

The way Joe was incapable of looking Barry in the eye during their first conversation was so delicious.

That was a great deal of fun. I like seeing Flash smile and claim he's "got everything he ever wanted."

The lad has great grandparents who will have no trouble taking him for a few hours. We're just not going on opening weekend is all.

If only that were possible, Clever Username of Some Sort. If only… [sob! choke!]

And they're rescued by, I don't know… let's say, Moe.

All I remember is talking some friends into seeing The Mummy and then apologizing to them as we left the theater.

I love them both for different reasons.

What? No. Mina married Jonathan Harker. Abraham Van Helsing's wife was someone completely different. She was probably also dead, I think.

Sleep is overrated.

Will they give him his first name back?