White Suburban Punk

The correct term is "Gill Man."

He probably misses his old glasses.

And now for something you'll really like!


Jack Reacher: Around shows that ol' Tommy lad isn't exactly the go-to box office draw he used to be. Let's hope that the titular mummy is dyn-o-mite!

Dark Stalkers did it!

Yeah, the Universal films were doing "crossovers" before it was cool. Generally that was because they expected the sequels to flop unless they added more monsters or a vaudevillian to it, but it at least led to a "world" where all the monsters co-existed. This also bequeathed Monster Squad to the world.

I haven't seen the last two X-Men films. I just don't care.

I said over in the article for it that I'm not much of a Wolverine fan, but that trailer totally sold me on that movie and got me jazzed for it.

He'll build a wall around the ocean and make Tiamat pay for it!

Nah, Kolins can do action and pathos - his Flash run had to juggle a lot of stuff, but he never failed to deliver - and this Loki thing just looks weird and oddly-proportioned.

It's a masterpiece for a reason.

Oh, don't start there. That's like the culmination of a lot of his stuff.

I know, right? To the point that when Barbara Minerva showed up in "the past" I got excited.

Well I figure she's a superhero who takes the law into her own hands, but respects that law and really only supports the actual authorities by dealing with menaces they couldn't handle themselves, like evil scientists what put their brains in giant albino apes and such.

Two cool comic nerds hanging out at a silent horror film classic? I am Jack's seething envy.

Yeah, I don't do the haunted house stuff or midnight hay rides or any of that nonsense. Gore generally doesn't do much for me at all, actually.

It's just a gut feeling, I admit. But yeah!

Movies I don't have a lot of time for, but I put all my other reading on hold and dedicated October to horror fiction and short stories.

I don't know how Kara Zor-L being a law-and-order Republican doesn't fit. Can someone explain that to me?