White Suburban Punk

Caught up on last months issues of Wonder Woman.

I don't do dress up, but I do love Halloween. I love horror stories and ook-monsters and the general creepiness of the season. I love pumpkins, I love the weather in October and the leaves turning gold and red and orange. I love picking apples. I love wearing a nice comfy sweater and reading comics on a cold,

Tezcatlipoca is the Smoking Mirror (or, obsidian). Huitzilopotchli is the hummingbird.

Stupid Marvel. Loki was born in Jotunheim. He could never be president!

ALL fan theories are stupid.

Lucas doesn't have the economy of an entire island nation to consider.

I think I read the first two or three and bailed on the fourth. It was an interesting conceit at first, the ambulatory cities and such, but I lost interest pretty quickly.

Well, in that case they're barking up the wrong tree by dragging Marlowe into the mud-pit.

Dickens is hit or miss. A Tale of Two Cities is complete twaddle, but Nicholas Nicklby was fun, and Great Expectactions wasn't horrible.

All I ask is for one likable character to help mitigate the slog. One! That's all I need. But if I hate all of them and want them all to be punished for being horrible, boring, small-minded fucks, then your "tragic" ending is not going to work at all.

Encouraging Roland Emmerich? That's a paddlin'.

Makes sense - Marlowe came down with a bad case of "dagger in the eye" before he was 30, so if he helped write it at all, it would have had to have been when Billy was young himself

When we first meet Indy, he is breaking into the sacred space of a group of indigenous people to steal their most sacred object. That's not remotely archaeology.

Hey now, let's not be mean. He's also an anthropologist with friends from a lot cultures all over the world. He's more enlightened than most people of his period just by dint of that.

More that he was pretty much just a looter.

Too many characters by the end. I love John Hurt and all, but there's no reason why his character had appear in more than one scene or be hauled across South America.

If it makes you feel any better, he's always been a pretty crappy archaeologist.

I mean, they slammed Hamlet. Granted, it was a lackluster production of it, but it was still Billy Shakes.

Who am I kidding. I never went to Castleton.

I watched the last hour of I, Frankenstein. It was pretty awful.