White Suburban Punk

"Most evil dude ever" seems arguable, too. Who was the guy who had the bright idea to import Africans to serve as slaves in the New World? He's got to have as much or more negative karma, right?

The potential for paradox is why time travel to the past doesn't make much sense. If the time traveler created a timeline in which he didn't exist, he would no longer be able to go back and kill Hitler. Thus time resets itself to the way things were, with Hitler managing to survive until 1945.

That sounds like a lot of work.

I think the most eloquent answer to this query was provided by Kung Fury.

Yeah, I'm enjoying it so much I am drawing out the read. It's not a book I want to devour, but one I want to savor.

David Warner is great. He's in a lot of things that are absolute shit, but he's always the best thing in them. He's also in way more things that are absolutely delightful.

There's a book I started to read not too long ago that posited Sir Arthur Conan Doyle as the killer. I didn't get very far into it. It was much too preposterous.

But but but he helped Meg Ryan fall in love with Tim Robbins! He was such a romantic at heart!

I enjoyed those as a kid. Messy pulpy vampires vs. psychics fun. A lot more sex than I probably needed to be reading about in junior high, but kids have to learn somewhere, don't they?

Nero was the original neckbeard, and made sure everyone knew it by stamping coins with his big fat neckbearded face.

I am ostensibly reading The Golem and the Jinni, which I am completely in love with, but I actually took a break from it because this is October and, as always in the month of horror, my mind turns to H.P. Lovecraft. However, I've read and re-read his stuff so many times that I decided to read some Lovecraft-adjacent

I'm very excited about this movie, and these kinds of newswires tend to make me even more excited.

You monster!

T-shirts!? That's the sweetest plum!

I'm with Jordo. I could do a couple paragraphs or something, but a full blown essay would probably be a bit much.

What the fuck happened to Sally Forth?

All-Star Comics #58. Still the oldest published single issue I own. Wasn't very expensive, but I was super-excited to find it.

Golden Age is what got me into the JSA. Before I read it, I had no idea there was a Hawkman who wasn't an alien, for example. I had no idea who the Manhunter was (Paul Kirk or any other version), or Robotman or Captain Triumph or the Ultra-Humanite. I knew Alan Scott and Jay Garrick, but that was about it. Even so, GA

I like the art well enough, but mostly I really dug the coloring.

There are a lot of generic blond guys who wore long underwear in the 40s and socked Nazis and supervillains in the jaw. I didn't have too much trouble following who was who, though.