It's good stuff. Perez bailed eventually - although he lasted way, way longer than I thought he would - and there were a few Alan Davis issues before Kieron Dwyer took over.
It's good stuff. Perez bailed eventually - although he lasted way, way longer than I thought he would - and there were a few Alan Davis issues before Kieron Dwyer took over.
Busiek's Avengers run gets tripped up a bit by Busiek's desire to make it as iconic and all-encompassing as the ones he grew up reading. Which, to his and Perez' credit, the Ultron story at least delivers. And any time Kang shows up, it's a good thing.
The one true Scorpius is a half-Scarran leather daddy, dammit.
I would pay cash money to see Morgoth fight Fingolfin. I don't care how much CGI would be involved.
You're bad and you should feel bad.
Strategically, it makes sense to monitor Hogwarts and keep tabs on wizards through the Ministry of Magic. They could be used as an asset at some point. Presumably, given that the US has its own magic school(s), the Pentagon is well aware of the advantages of having wizards on the payroll.
Radcliffe is five foot nothing. He will never be "grown-up."
I don't understand art. But I'm glad it's out there.
Check out this guy! He's saying what we're all thinking!
That cut deep, MLA. That cut deep.
Fett follows Solo and then calls the cops. He's such a chump. I have no idea how he became this "badass" in everyone's minds. Not once on film does Fett do a single thing to justify his image.
Because they're just tarted up Saturday afternoon serials? Flash Gordon with better effects? They're not deep, and they only went to shit when they started to pretend to be deep.
Looks like the droid flies the ship. Alan Tudyk is so typecast.
This is the first trailer to make me actually excited about this silly movie.
We also violate his rules for getting kids to eat new foods. To his credit, while L'il Punk is not afraid to say he doesn't like something, he will always man up and follow through on the three-bite rule. And you can usually get him to eat his peas and other hated foods by drowning it in some kind of dressing.
My wife and I watch the show in bursts. Three, four in a row, and then nothing for months. He's such an odd human being, but the places he visits are usually at least interesting if not great.
Fair enough. It is just a preview, after all.
I dunno. This sort of thing seems like the Bendis-isation of superhero comics. Quirky television scripts masquerading as comic books. If I'm going to read a superhero book, I want to read about a superhero doing superhero-ey things, like fighting crime and helping people and shooting laser blasts out of their hands…
Batman, for like 74 years.