White Suburban Punk

Wrong color: he was the Red Guardian.

No, it's usually pretty cool when a non-powered or under-powered hero has to think of a way to defeat a superpowered villain. Then it's not just a slugfest, but a battle that has to involve some strategy and quick thinking and tension.


That sounds fun!

That's not true! Liberty Belle had those kick-ass jodhpurs, which totally make sense for someone fighting Nazis.

Now that's how to shoot a photograph! Get as much of the light behind the subject, so it's totally obscured by shadow. What a great job.

I am pinning a lot of my hopes for the DC film franchise on this Wonder Woman movie. I am not sure any of those hopes are justified, but I'm pinning them anyway.

Maybe not on Earth-2, but here on Earth-1, very definitely.

My sarcasm detector just pinged, but I'm not sure if it needs recalibrating or not.

Well, there's no genocide attached to it. In Europe, at least. So the war has that going for it.

The Bottle City of Kandor would be a bit much for even this show but I'll take Bette Kane.

Yeah, that's not creepy! Not creepy at all.

Mon-El and a promise of the Legion would probably make my heart explode with joy. But it would be a good death!

But then they have the option to come back to it at another point, because they never really "tried."

Yeah, that bugged me too!

You sweet summer child.


I grew up with Wally West as the Flash, but Jay Garrick became my favorite version the moment I discovered him. I hope there are many more Jay cameos planned for the season, and that he's part of the super-team that settles Doctor Alchemy's hash in the finale.

He had to come to terms with the deaths of both his parents, both of them basically at his own hand. I think Barry wins those misery sweepstakes, albeit on a technicality.

More Jay Garrick, please. Best part of the episode, which was otherwise a little too pat and perfectly wrapped up.