I didn't stick around long enough to see that happen.
I didn't stick around long enough to see that happen.
Username/comment synergy.
"See you at Church on Sunday."
Or John C. Reilly? He's a clown.
And it completely left out KISS, too.
Hourman and Doctor Mid-Nite are not "non-powered." They're just not Green Lantern or Flash or Doctor Fate. They're still quite a bit more powered than Batman, Wild Cat, or Green Arrow.
I'm still pissed that I was sold something that I didn't get. I was expecting more Liberty Files, and instead I got this other thing that I probably wouldn't have looked at twice if not for the LF connection.
Even before that.
We've already skipped to the definitions part of the argument? Shall I invoke Godwin's Law at this time? I expect you would prefer to, so I shall cede you the floor.
Ah, goal posts moved. Because those aren't "civilization." Those are technology, technology, and a social movement.
The Golden Age is what made me a fiend for the Justice Society.
Same creative team, but yes, the story is a switcheroo. It's an independent, nothing to do with the JSA character and tale, that they shoe-horned into the Liberty Files continuity to boost sales. Poochie was less obnoxious.
Right. And white people are only white because of a genetic mutation that lowered melanin amounts, so they could avoid getting rickets by absorbing Vitamin D from the sun while living in a place where they no longer received direct sunlight.
I love the Legion, although I'm hardly an expert, and this looks like a solid overview to me.
The Whistling Skull should be avoided at all costs.
White people didn't invent civilization. They took civilization from everyone else. Much like they're doing to this burial site in Sioux territory, actually.
It's just a man made of teeth. What's horrifying about that?
… Go on.
Holy shit. Seriously?
May God have mercy on our souls.