White Suburban Punk

The Catholic has his own Netflix TV show. Unfortunately, Fox has the rights to the Jew.

Also, the only one of the kids who can actually act is Grint. Which is weird.

The first time he saw Trump, L'il Punk asked my wife, "Why is that man so angry?" He doesn't like Trump because Trump yells so much.

I have (so far) successfully avoided any kid's birthday parties or playdates. But I fear that may not always be the case.

"Need" is a strong word. The important thing is that they look bangin'.

Zor-El is at least Clark's uncle, so it stands to reason that they'd look more than a little bit alike.

Look, fucking Ronald Reagan is too radical for the current GOP. Nevermind Nixon.

West and Shatner together is like the holy grail for some people.

Batman used a gun on a vampire and some giant Frankenstein-like monsters. He also once threw a guy off a roof.

Well, like it or not, all our favorite comics are built upon Silver Age nonsense.

Math is a cruel bitch mistress.

That's what it was called! Yeah, thanks for reminding me. Also, I wrote fan-fiction. So owning a coat with the logo is still cooler than what I did.

It's very unusual. Even in the Golden Age when superheroes were fast and loose with criminal lives and Batman even used a gun once in a while, Superman didn't kill people.

I am a big Vixen booster, so I am keeping my eye on this one. I read that horrible Brad Meltzer JLA run in part because she was on the team (and badly used, I might add).

Was it? I remember the embrace after defeating Sliding Albion and Hawksmoor saying "get a room you two" but I thought the full-on kiss and confirmation of homosexuality appeared in Millar's run.

I can't think of anything Fan Favorite Brian Michael Bendis has written that is as consistently good as Johns' JSA or Flash.

I have one more year - oh, wait, actually only a couple of months - before L'il Punk turns 5 and I am allowed to show him Star Wars.

He never explains about the watermelon, though.

Is it warm in here?

"What is this stuff, Egg?"