Johann Schmidt

I'm wondering if Han really did 'jettison' his cargo or if he just smoked it all himself.

I still love Gore's line, "and protect the space time continuum. Read your constitution."

I was somewhat surprised when Tina didn't get an F for obviously not reading the book quickly followed by a quip from Linda indicating that she never actually got away with it when she was a kid either.

I'm actually surprised. The movie under performed at the box office at $400 mil with a budget of $170 plus whatever they spent on marketing which was a lot since Disney thought they were setting up the next billion dollar franchise. Remember the studios don't get all that money and even less if it's from a foreign

this is Game of Thrones not Game of Hovels. Screw the peasants long live the Monarchy!

She could do anything I guess. I don't recall her doing anything of relevance to the game in the books after this point.

oh yeah I totally forgot about that part. I'm betting it's dropped so Bran can have that element all to himself.

yeah I saw that as a cliff hanger considering who was standing right there when it happens.

I won't be surprised at all if Martin has the White Walkers win in the end.

Teen Grrrl Squad!!

I wouldn't be surprised if that part of the story gets fast tracked to get her back in the game sooner.

Does anyone want my UV code for season 4?

you can get that result with any of the other set top boxes like Roku. The built in stuff in Blu Ray players and TVs are universally terrible because they are more of a marketing gimmick than an actual product.

that's on the Playstation.

probably delayed an hour or two after initial air time. Got to keep Cable Co. happy after all.

yeah either Apple paid them a bunch for the exclusive window or HBO isn't confident in their tech to do a wide release. Considering the back story about HBOs IT department (they're horrible and people were fired last year over it) I'd say Apple just stupidly paid HBO to do a beta test.

they police get APCs which barely qualify as a tank but are still utterly pointless for the police to own. Wolverine however seemed to be trying to sell them a an Abrams battle tank with surface to air missiles. Have to fight all that sky crime I guess.

At least the Indian isn't a white guy is face makeup this time.