Johann Schmidt

I think it's a little bit of everything. Shows have a half-life of being good even when all the same writers and actors are still around. To me at least Community has definitely entered that "wrap it up" gray zone between the fond memories of the good years and the terrible show ruining bad years.

They already did a remake, it was called District 9.

I can't wait till they get to the contract dispute one. lol

Just go find the clips of Samuel L. Jacksons scenes on youtube. The rest is a waste of your time.

I think Hot Topic started that sale back in 2001 and never took the sign down. Seriously has anyone ever seen a Hot Topic that didn't have a but 1 get one half off sign up front?

A former publicly traded company no less. Fight the system man!

actually it has. Opened it first store in Canada in 2010.

yeah when he hung up the phone and the camera pulled back I was half expecting him to do an uncharacteristic happy dance.

He's probably afraid that Jimmy with his hard work and Chuck with his brilliance might squeeze him out if given a chance. Of course this just assumes that Chuck didn't tell Hamlin to let Jimmy down so he didn't have to.

Turns out the Grays were being controlled by the Mexicans all along.

Nah now he smokes some sweet Mary Jay, because he has cancer ya know.

I think Bob did it too, though he may have mixed it in different the different games as well.

pretty much. Most of the big titles (and many of the small ones want to as well) engage what I like to call 'The Infinity Plot', by which I mean the show has no plan of ever ending and will keep it characters on a never ending adventure that quickly loses any semblance of a point.

I was wondering if they were going to do the same ending or if they were going to do a different one. I'm fairly sure Martin has said that he knows how the series will end, it's just the getting there part that is a problem.

um Because Iran isn't a push over country like Iraq or Libya. Iran is fully capable of shooting down any of our planes and would close the Persian Gulf which would have massive effect on the global oil prices considering that the main Saudi oil port is there.

Your dad didn't seem to mind. hioh!

maybe set up for something? We did find out during the gas leak year that the rest of the students actually hate the study group. Which I thought was actually a good idea that never really went anywhere.

I'd say it is a writing problem. Going back and watching the first season she starts out as a seemingly competent person and then slowly over time she has gotten dumber and dumber. I get the feeling that after Pierce, Britta is basically the shows third wheel. I just don't think Jacobs is being given much to work

If it's any comfort it's not like your work has any intention of upgrading to Windows 10 anyways.