Johann Schmidt

sigh. It's bad, really really bad. You can tell something is wrong from the opening sequence which is just lazy in so many ways. The logic of the robot company doesn't make any sense, why the hell are they trying to sell a tank that has the word ARMY written on its side to the police? This movie as very much

looks okay. not really a fan of the color being that muted, but this photo is also bizarrely darkly light, so maybe it will look better once the photographer figures out how to turn on a light switch. Glad the midriff is gone and that they gave her some leggings to deal with the whole miniskirt plus it's really

another thing Forbidden did first. The machine they built was completely new, so new in fact that the two creators were denied a music award because they weren't 'musicians'.

Well since we're talking about He-Man I'll take this opportunity to plug a youtube series I like that does a little riff on it. Lloyd the Rocking Unicorn. Basic premise Lloyd gets tired of all the Eternia BS and moves to the real world where people don't put up with that shit. Enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/wat…

legend has it Kurt buried stock certificates for Amazon in his backyard.

as long as it's not Gorst, WA I'm in. :P

same. It will serve as my final judgement on Blomkam as a director though. One hit and one miss so far in my book, but from the sound of things he appears to be another Wachowski in the making.

naw all Zzzz

District 9 was helped immensely by the main actor Shartlo Copley who nailed his character. The story taking place in a unique (for Hollywood) location and being grounded around the simple premise of unwanted aliens. Blomkamp was clearly drawing from the very real division in S.Africa between nationals and foreigners

If she had shown 'The Passion' she would have been promoted to Principal.

"The film will reportedly focus on Barbie as a Mary Poppins-like figure who breezes into peoples’ lives and improves them using her myriad “personal and professional skills,” likerunning for President, going to space, being sponsored by McDonald’s, and walking on tiptoe even after she takes off her heels."

on all visual sci-fi really. You didn't see great matte backgrounds like that again till Star Wars.

well my understanding is this new one has a completely new code back end, same thing MLB uses. So it's possible HBO is planning on rolling this out and assuming it doesn't catch on fire eventually migrate HBO Go users over to it. HBO streaming tech is a joke, they straight up fired their head tech guy last year.

no im getting that too. full screen works but in page player is garbage.

yep I'm always looking forward to the modern equivalent of the rabbit ear dance.

china won't know, the NSA however will.


I think the real question is will the service be full access to HBO or some sort of horrible neutered version that only has 3 episodes available at any given time to satisfy the cable companies?

because the cable companies pay HBO more money than what you pay on your monthly bill. This is why HBO has been so slow to break away from the cable companies and go full Netflix.

what if we drop some sort of slime on the winners?