
Maybe one day the Devil will make himself known to humanity by commissioning a CGI remake of this special, from the producers of "Shark Tale."

At the store the other day I picked up the illustrated "press the character's face to hear them talk!" book version of this. It made me angry when I flipped through it to find the more modern Peanuts artwork, along with Marcy and Peppermint Pattie hanging around in the background.

I have one and love it, and I'm well aware of the irony.

I've also always enjoyed the weird dated stuff, like the aluminum Christmas trees and Lucy's "the doctor is real in" sign. Those references haven't meant anything in 40 years, but they are woven into the very fabric of my love for this tiny little show.

I think the review answered these questions already.

I watched this on Blu-ray for the first time this year, and seeing "flaws" like the shadows the animation cels cast just endured the thing to me even more, and I already loved it with my life.

I laughed quite a bit at the "she looks like Helena Bonham Carter" line when Jess was wearing all the hats and clothes at once.

The Dragon Dagger theme has been my ringtone for the past 5 years. Also, fuck you Apple for not letting me set my own text message tone because it would totally be the MMPR communicator sound like it was on my old Verizon phone.

Bring back…

I agree with Emily. I got off the Dane Train when his sub-par, crammed-with-screaming-fans-and-constantly-moving-cameras MSG special aired. His stuff before that was solid.

Nowadays, that is.

She was so normal-hot in the early to mid '90s (except for her terrible "Reality Bites" haircut). It's too bad she's all crazy paranoid and looks like she's on the downhill slope into crack.

It's more "returning to a common enemy" with this.

Hey, this ought to take some heat off of Netflix and it's new status as the convenient-thing-everyone-suddenly-hates.

You see a decent shot of her character's ass, but I'm 90% sure it's a body double. However, you see plenty of Timberlake's ass.

It's a rather indifferent make-up job on all the actors. Harry and Ron look okay, but they look too old for 36, which is how old they should be according to the movie's timeline. Hermione looks exactly the same, but poor Ginny is dolled up like she's Jackie Kennedy for some reason.

The epilogue from the book is here and intact and is pretty laughably bad.

Pooh for who?
I saw this last night, and while it's perfectly fine and delightful, I really don't see how this is different enough from all the Winnie The Pooh media released over the last 30 years to justify families dragging themselves to the movies for a lightweight little adventure that lasts just over an hour,

Even though I live in San Antonio, I am not Leonard Pierce. Saw it on Saturday. Bluh.

You know what movie really sucked?