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    But he'll give his opponents the honorable compromise to just walk away and he'll give them a safe passageway in the wastelands and there will be an end to the horror.

    Give the NRA time, their marketing will eventually frighten you sufficiently to pay a measly pittance for the honor of protecting your household from the wildlife/criminals/the government/minorities/liberals/communists/socialists/nazis/marxists/

    [Fonzi voice/pose] Aaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy!

    While it's certainly possible and likely this was an employee's doing, it's equally possible and just as likely that it was some asshat high school kid customer who transferred the sign, placed appropriately above Marvel(TM) backpacks, to the gun display.

    Well, this is certainly one of the features I will absolutely not miss after the Kinjapocalypse. Jesus Christ.

    Is that more or less desireable than the land of wind and ghosts? I'm going to guess…less.

    Highway to the calzone-zone!


    He really can't get more pathetic, can he?

    …which only lasted 8 hours

    Hey! I resemble that remark!

    There's the geography issue. There's just more physical area for the US to avoid complete annihilation vs. the small and compact North Korea. North Korea is roughly the square mileage of Pennsylvania, and is shaped much like Michigan's Upper Peninsula, though the UP is slightly smaller. It will be much harder for

    But from what I saw, it appeared that they only talked about converting Disqus accounts to Kinja, which is different from AVC legacy logins, which I use. I've had an AVC account since it began, and was converted automatically through Disqus, but I don't have a separate Disqus account and can't log onto Disqus

    Thanks. I'm hoping there'll be more and better information in the coming weeks, because I still don't think any of those threads were very helpful.

    The one main question I had, along with several others regarding whether or not us non-Disqus AVC login legacy users would be able to transition without having to create a Disqus account was never really fully addressed. Also, my long, rambling narrative about my years commenting here and how I've loved this site and

    TL;DR: I'm old, new things frighten me, I don't want another login profile for a a marketing tool, once Kinja transitions I will no longer be commenting, no loss for anyone, I've wasted my life, thanks to all those commentators I've interacted with.

    Good thing we defeated the Kaiser and got our twenty back!

    See also: Ghost

    He was sick the same day as Rickon on "Avoiding Projectiles" lessons.

    Underwater shots are really difficult, i guess. The end scene immediately reminded me of the marsh scene from LOtR: ROtK where Frodo falls face first into what appears to be ankle deep marsh water, that somehow becomes fathoms deep when viewed from underwater was always incongruous and off-putting for me. If you fall